Balance / Idealisation / Improvement / Assurance / Poise / Alchemy
Knowledge reveals itself when the curious dream
Knowledge reveals itself when the curious dream
Without emotion, agenda or prejudice, the Water Carrier exemplifies a flair for cool impartiality combined with ardent vision and scientific originality. It dislikes vulgar excesses, preferring civility, delicacy, and reasonable behaviour. Somewhat indifferent to attention, modest, self-effacing, and independently minded, it brings cool reason to heated debates, so can be a harmonising influence, moving attention from emotion to intellect, discussing issues that unite us. It stands for truth, fairness, social equality, and common accord.
The core imperative of Aquarius is to find ways to adjust to changing circumstances in a way that improves the species. We have recently begun to study the physical universe, to discover mathematics, science and philosophy and taken a few small steps in psychology and ecology. Yet to bridge the deeper gaps in our understanding requires more faith. Our exceptional intelligence tends to make developments knowledge-based, and through social and technological processes, we also have higher aspirations to do with longevity, health, justice and comfort – yet our fulfilment in consciousness is the true measure of evolutionary success.
One issue is that, of the minority that have true faith, most have no way to balance feelings and thoughts clearly enough to understand what it actually is, and indeed what they have faith in. Blind faith is more to do with blindness than faith. Aquarius can awaken to crystal-clear reception of cosmic transmission, which needs both mental and emotional skills – free thinking and rigorous application, since discussing this question can be fraught and even dangerous. Faith has to be projected onto an ideal and named, and these two requirements create difficulties because ideals are always unrealisable and naming always leads to limitation.
The world is a mirror of the mind – we make materially manifest what we hold in our thoughts. So to envision our reality requires that we concentrate thought and attention upon the best outcome imaginable, and let faith do the rest. Constructive optimism is the only survival strategy. Once we have shaped our orientation to a clear, positive outcome, then vacillation and doubt are not to be admitted. We hold an assured condition of mind, and bring it to bear upon the matrix of potential called life. Certainty is therefore employed in its active polarity rather than passive – this sign chooses not to be subject, but the creator, of outer conditions.
Sociology shows that the direction of a social group norm is found in the activity at the edges of present behaviour, the position where Aquarius feels most comfortable. Radicals, progressive thinkers, idealists and dreamers are different, detached and apart from their community, usually comfortably at odds with the norm – people like Darwin, Galileo, and Germaine Greer. Balanced between old and new, these bringers of knowledge seek pure vision and apply acute perception in service to others. They are eccentrics, satisfied with self-recognition, who spin on their own unique axis and are often subject to prejudice and even attack by conservatives.
The future is not inevitable; all perceptions of history and current affairs are subject to modification personally and communally, and are creative causes. We make it up on the basis of our experiences and aspirations – all is invented. Some find this idea spurious, even scary, and others will enjoy the implied freedom. Humanity would be better off holding the belief that we are creating our own future by our current ideas. We may then understand that the responsible thing to do is to care for our neighbours on this planet – and the planet itself.