Moon in Aquarius
This is the experience of the unconscious side of Aquarius, the habitual, more needy and childlike aspects of behaviour. Airy Moon positions all tend to be social and more extroverted, light and charming, independent, emotionally somewhat distant, disliking confrontation with self and others.
With many friends but attached to no-one, this person does not belong to their family, staying uninvolved, they want to live on higher planes spiritually speaking, and are actually inaccessible to most people, stranger in a strange land. They can be victim of this freedom, living a superficial life, oppressed by closeness and cool, aloof, a loner, more social companion than lover. They dislike being compared to others yet are keen on self-development, being original, creative and self-sufficient. Freedom to be independent and special is their guiding principle, but this can lead to constant restlessness, rebellious fickleness, revocation of agreements and mere experimentation. |
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