Discover Who You Are in Great Depth
2.1 Power
Although power can be expressed in many different ways, some of which are centred in fear, evidence of Taurus’ power is better described as like the clear stream's carefree immediacy and simplicity of purpose. Like a bull in a field, we simply feel powerful, as a force of Nature, and let our true selves be seen and heard immediately and without reservation. Not only active and expressive, power also is found, in its passive aspect, in the ability to withstand, endure, and eventually assimilate external forces. This can actually sponsor breakthroughs to new levels of self-awareness, and sometimes even epiphany. Motivated by a constant desire to progress and achieve, we find much wisdom in the knowledge of how to balance things harmoniously. In particular, we seek to reconcile Nature's force and wildness with our own more civilised and creative ability to shape and cultivate. Deeply touched by the power and beauty of natural phenomena, we are inspired to imagine a life expanded and abundant. This further triggers desire, and motivates us towards attaining a practical realisation of whatever we can imagine achieving and having for ourselves. This forward-thrusting cannot easily be reconciled with the heaviness of backward-pulling emotions, and so we learn to release attachments even to strong feelings such as nostalgia and grief. We say goodbye to all aspects of our lives that no longer serve us, shedding veneers we might have adopted, and then move forward free of constraints and confident of a future that is in definite ways significantly better than the past. |