Discover Who You Are in Great Depth
1.4 Attainment
Attainment is the experience of reaching a particular goal, or state, and is usually accompanied by an inner conviction of success. Our goals may be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, yet, in each case, according to the wisdom of Sabian Symbols, we are likeliest to attain results when we ‘get out of our own way’, surrendering to the flow of grace as we balance focused effort with a more childlike, care-free innocence, as if dancing playfully. Medals, certificates and trophies are poor substitutes for the deeper motivation we have – to experience the inner glow of joy as we manage more fully to realise who we are. Often to avoid distractions and achieve better clarity and focus, we need to spend time in solitude in order to immerse ourselves completely in what we are doing. Timing is very important, as is doing what feels natural, following our instincts and the rhythm of life, which teaches us to include rest and play in our working schedule, as a way to improve our ability to reach our goals. Inevitably, as we get closer to true attainment, our perceptions shift and we begin to see things from a higher perspective. What we were told and taught earlier is often exposed as incomplete or false. We no longer regurgitate borrowed ideas but have the ability to explain our own viewpoints and wisdom. Then it becomes clear that by being exactly who and what we are, in authentic and spontaneous expression, we will naturally serve the needs of the situation at hand with both mastery and innocence. A sense of satisfaction and fulfilment arises from deep within. |