Mercury in Virgo
Even though they frequently lack the ability to see the big picture, a person with this position can have instinctive awareness of what works efficiently in practice and what is impractical or a waste of effort, and so can decide how best to allocate time and resources with a business-like or scientific manner, which is analytical, methodical, fastidious and precise.
Their communication style is sober, clear and concise although this could also become rather categorical and narrow-minded leading to nagging disapproval and, constantly dissatisfied, display anxious self-criticism until everything is perfect. They can display special skills in language, using words in a clever and playful way to promote mindfulness and subtlety of meaning. |
Sabian SymbolsOnce you have studied mainstream astrology, it is very insightful to look at the Sabian Symbols of your chart. Follow these clear and easy instructions...
Planet SignsTo look at the positions of your other planets
ArticlesEnter the debate, share your wisdom and questions. Here we feature planetary ingresses including transits of outer planets, trying to read the news for clues to what they might mean for us...
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