Discover Who You Are in Great Depth
2.2 Effectiveness
Taurus is often described as The Builder, and has good reason to be respected for its capacity to get things done. Between what is here now and what is desired, required or intended, is a chasm opening up as if beneath our feet, which must be bridged if we are to bring effect to our ideas. An incomplete bridge is not effective, in fact it is not a bridge and cannot serve its purpose. Applied to our evolutionary process, we easily see that our current circumstances are less than ideal because either we have what we don't want or we want what we don't have. Very often, to understand this and to thereby recognise the need for root-level shift in our attitude, requires a spiritual breakthrough and the subsequent renunciation of old ways. Typically life doesn't deliver what we need at exactly the right time and in the right way, so we must be quite flexible and creative about things in order to turn matters around to suit our immediate needs, or at least be patient for things to find their season. When we persistently maintain the discipline and faith of optimism, we find ourselves able to bring the light of expectancy to bear all situations so that darkness and despair become for us nothing more than useful triggers to make us respond with our deepening evolution of faith and creativity. When we apply this spiritual wisdom in service, we discover the little-known secret that self-serving is best, and most effectively, achieved through compassionate service towards others. |