Moon in Scorpio
This is the experience of the unconscious side of Scorpio, the habitual, more needy and childlike aspects of behaviour. Watery Moon positions all tend to be sensitive, caring, devoted and considerate, and need emotional security so much that they are prepared to exert coercive pressure to get it.
The Moon in Scorpio is devotional and has a powerful mother image. As a child these people are very dependent, as adults able to create dependency in others by provoking the revelation of subconscious fears, desires and taboos like sex, rage, and penetration, or by being a charming seductress with a mysterious sense of moods and undercurrents, always possessive, wanting intense relationship and holding onto it with ruthless, uncompromising, reckless passion. They can be infamous, devouring, irresistible, bewitching witches whose wishes come true, with unflagging tenacity to conquer and get to the bottom of things; they are often melancholy, unforgiving, jealous, vengeful, and even poisonous when their great sensitivity is wounded. |
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