Discover Who You Are in Great Depth
1.6 Proficiency
Whether homemaker or astronaut, doctor, or milkman, there is a place on the continuum of learning and development where proficiency is reached. It is the ability to perform tasks with a level of skill that is good for purpose. Typically we must exercise clear discernment to limit what we try to perfect, in order to diminish the risk of overload and burn-out – which eventually would impede our abilities. The process has set-backs, which can rob us of confidence and commitment, so an important quality to express is staunch purpose. We find that our faith is an essential determinant of outcome, perhaps a necessary and sufficient condition of success, and success itself requires redefinition. However, some things are beyond our reach and we need to be honest about this fact, otherwise we will cause others to have expectations of us that we cannot fulfil. It is always very important to do what we say we will do. The highest levels of proficiency are awakened when we align with higher aspects of self or even spiritual helpers. We can call upon beings of light, and they will respond. In this way, we find that we can tune in to a deeper, more subtle flow of energy that is often called the rhythm of life, or the Tao, or the Zeitgeist. When we ‘dance to its melody’ we find we are able to perform all the things we do to the point of excellence. Then we realise how graceful and harmonious we can be in service. Simple service – cutting wood, carrying water and feeding your brood, if it is to be well done requires focus and dedication. We can find peace and beauty with ordinary life being lived in a non-ordinary way. |