Stability / Service / Humility / Unveiling / Magnetism / Passion
Embracing death to the false, rebirth into truth, transformed, I release myself totally into full awareness
Embracing death to the false, rebirth into truth, transformed, I release myself totally into full awareness
Scorpio is passion; its deep emotions are often deliberately intensified, and gut instincts and psychic sensitivity are very strong. Always penetrative and sometimes invasive, it feels a compelling fascination with the seamier side of life, where destruction and creativity meet together. This allows for a sense of alchemical power – a transmutative force between attraction and repulsion – and a mysterious insight into human psychology. It can be unashamedly sexual, yet its renowned personal magnetism is independent of physical beauty.
The survival instinct and the religious instinct connect at the deepest level of the psyche. The luxury to delve into the life’s meaning is afforded only to those who survive, and have the emotional balance to see the truth. Scorpio’s first concern is to establish an impregnable position both materially and emotionally – often taking uncontroversial positions of responsibility and then steadily building increasingly firm foundations to secure basic needs against all threats. Its influence is formidable, mostly projected behind the scenes, and backed up with hidden reserves. Best suited to a defensive role as defender or protector, it fights ruthlessly in business, law or the military. It is resistant to distraction and, as a strategy of power, instinctively secretive.
Secured in its fortress, it reaches out on a journey of exploration. This serves both instincts – and we see how in essence they are two sides of the same coin. Imagining all possible dangers and guarding against worst-case scenarios is a mind-set absolutely suitable to explore the mysteries. So much false doctrine has been shovelled into human consciousness that it takes a mental surgeon to cut gangrenous rot away to reveal truth and discover wisdom. With real determination, Scorpio makes its mission a journey to probe the squalid depths of human psychology, identify the filth, and report honestly about the infected elements that must be purged.
The ability to secure a safe place attracts the trust of others so that deep involvements are possible; this can be family, social or occupational, and demands commitment and loyalty – or else the need to seek redress becomes darkly compulsive. To find the safest position, Scorpio reaches out with highly sensitive emotional antennae, to gauge how best to respond to the atmospheric undercurrents. From this is learned how all things interconnect – and that in fact trust can operate subtly to support personal security. This is because the connection is subtle, not physical, so influence must also be non-physical to be optimal. If we are to develop any real power, it is entirely necessary to be aware of this. Scientists may not have found a way to measure this power – but most people have. It is called charisma or magnetism, is felt within someone’s personality and shows as self-confidence, sex appeal, sparkling intelligence – basically, animal vitality and spiritual light.
A sublime sense of freedom and power unfolds with this understanding that the background stuff of any situation is atmosphere, and it is mysterious. Yet there is a point of consciousness above either freedom or power – a choice point where passion is born. We can learn to choose freedom, and thus surrender power – or to choose power and give up our freedom. However, at the point of passion we do not descend into its expression as either freedom or power, but simply vibrate passion as such. This is the exaltation of sexuality, of beauty, of truth and of Self. It is the ultimate safe space.