Venus in Cancer
Longs to belong. The irrepressible need for nesting sets the emotional antennae in the direction of a suitable mate for making a family, and creates a willingness to offer devotion in return for a nest. Dreamy, romantic, soft and tender, this highly impressionable cuddly kitten can be rather indiscriminate and too easily persuaded to trust, which leads to the risk of repeated disillusionment and consequential sadness.
Then the danger is that she feels constantly threatened, grows a hard shell of cynicism and maintains a poignant and self-fulfilling expectation of disappointment. She must learn not to give away too much too soon. |
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Planet SignsTo look at the positions of your other planets
ArticlesEnter the debate, share your wisdom and questions. Here we feature planetary ingresses including transits of outer planets, trying to read the news for clues to what they might mean for us...
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