Venus in Leo
With this in your horoscope, you are likely to be very warm-hearted, generous and demonstrative, having no inhibitions against erotic adventures in relationship or creative personal expression in friendship. This is the lioness or playgirl who likes to treat love as a wonderful childlike game filled with drama – a way to bring to life a favourite movie star or fictional character.
She is proud of her partner who must absolutely be proud of her – and show this by treating her like a queen and offering frequent extravagant gestures of appreciation, especially things to make her beauty and importance more noticeable. |
Sabian SymbolsOnce you have studied mainstream astrology, it is very insightful to look at the Sabian Symbols of your chart. Follow these clear and easy instructions...
Planet SignsTo look at the positions of your other planets
ArticlesEnter the debate, share your wisdom and questions. Here we feature planetary ingresses including transits of outer planets, trying to read the news for clues to what they might mean for us...
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