Mercury in Leo
Having a vivid, graphic, dramatic or even theatrical mode of expression, this is the self-confident, creative organiser who thinks big and leaves the details to others. With the commanding voice of a leader, knows how to be persuasive, motivating, inspiring, and optimistic.
But there can be a tendency towards being a little too self-centred which leads to becoming very subjective, sometimes complacently speculative and occasionally showing a superior, overbearing attitude that totally shuns any criticism and therefore lacks true comprehension of the subtleties that others offer. |
Sabian SymbolsOnce you have studied mainstream astrology, it is very insightful to look at the Sabian Symbols of your chart. Follow these clear and easy instructions...
Planet SignsTo look at the positions of your other planets
ArticlesEnter the debate, share your wisdom and questions. Here we feature planetary ingresses including transits of outer planets, trying to read the news for clues to what they might mean for us...
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