Sabian AstrodramaUsing Sabian Symbols, perhaps with the Elven Star, and basic astrology, we can use theatre improvisation to create an extraordinarily impactful event, which deepens our knowledge of Sabian Symbols to a whole new level.
When properly facilitated this is an example of powerful magick. It is spell making, and awakens non-ordinary forces that take shape through the actors. It needs to be handled with care. Here we explain the how and why of the process of facilitation. It is recommended that only those who have been properly trained should take this on this work, and that all such dramas are to seen as disciplined, magical ritual. AstroDrama FacilitationAs facilitator, we are creating an event where two or more people interact as agents of particular energies. These energies are archetypes and must be respected. It is valid, and perhaps safer, to see Aries 1 as a god rather than a quality; each one of the Sabian Symbols can be seen as a living self-aware light being. When acting one of them, a person opens up to that mystery and invites its presence into their lives.
This might be compared to inviting a stranger into your home. There are risks, yet these are contained by protocols, and the personal power we all have. Generally with an attitude of self-confidence, and high-level respect and courtesy, even the most difficult people, energies and gods can be managed. MethodVersions exist of astrodrama. We can act out the horoscope itself, or at least bits of it, with between say 4 and 12 actors. We can look at aspects or aspect patterns (syndromes), or we can concentrate on a specific degree and study its Sabian Symbol.
One example might be that one actor is the Ascendant another takes the Descendant, and the client observes as the two actors improvise a given scenario. Another example is where two actors take the same Sabian degree. Perhaps one has their Moon position there and the second has the 4th Elven Star point of their Saturn. As they improvise upon the scenario, each of them embodies the symbol in quite different ways. As we do more of these dramas, the Sabian degree meanings are revealed. So too is the operation of the Elven Star, and we can experience, for example, the 4th Elven Star point with somatic awareness and not just as a concept. The facilitator's job is to
Choosing a ScenarioThis is of course the crucial element. We need to suggest a way for each of the participants to express the energy legitimately and fully. This can be very dramatic and absolutely real if the scenario mirrors a real-life situation. Often one of the actors will usually be the client, although also the client could simply observe. In either case, the acting will have some influence over real events.
We can simply act out the real-life scenario, or we can creatively imagine a metaphor. Each actor begins by choosing consciously to play the part. After a short while of interacting, the actors find themselves slipping into something deeper and less contrived as though mysteriously channelling. Although there is benefit in just examining the energies at play, it is also very helpful to be aiming towards an outcome, some kind of resolution. When this is reached the facilitator should quickly call 'Time out’ to end the process. Compassionate AwarenessIn the excitement of all the fun and its complexity, it is easy to lose sight of the client's feelings and how intimate all this can become. We must remember not to forget to be sensitive and maintain empathic connection, especially with the client.
AlchemyDone properly, this is powerful magick, with a degree of risk. Things change permanently, and often at root level. We must approach the process with discipline, sacredness and awareness, always having faith in our own thoughts and feelings. If it feels wrong then we stop the acting – otherwise we trust the process.
Purpose of AstrodramaOur purpose with astrodrama is two-fold: to learn more about Sabian Symbols, and to support others in their process of self-discovery and healing. It is very helpful to bring attention to what has been learned in order to grasp the knowledge firmly.
When supporting someone’s evolutionary process, we need to be intuitive about whether our most useful contribution would be soft or strong. Tea and sympathy can be harmful as well as helpful; equally the painful surgeon's knife is often required to ensure long term healing. With sensitivity we can feel what needs to be done – as clients, as actors, and as facilitators. |