Discover Who You Are in Great Depth
1.2 Drive
Drive is a compelling force; to be effective it needs the directed focus of clear purpose towards a desired outcome. A nail is driven into wood with power, determination, direction and accuracy – and it just won't do to be half-hearted about it! We expect to achieve our goals only when enthusiastically driving in a specific single direction with a determined persistent push. However such single-pointedness applied relentlessly within the cut-and-thrust atmosphere of modern life is counterproductive if maintained too long. To bring meaning to our endeavours, we must also awaken a spiritual dimension within us and then find a balanced way to integrate each aspect of our being, done by opening up to subtle forces as we pursue worldly goals. With this comes risk. We always encounter the unknown somewhat unprepared and without experience, and sometimes there are forces beyond our understanding, and indeed beyond our capacity to handle. It is wise to allow our more intuitive side to inform us of the need for caution at times, and balance our approach to avoid recklessness. We can even further awaken the subtle mind and focus its ‘right-brain-intelligence’ upon aspects of our purpose that were previously unrecognised. New perceptions arise. Not only do we see these as inherently beneficial for our development, we also find that we can operate more smoothly in reaching our goals by accomplishing tasks more efficiently. We may well find that the paradigm shifts that occur are more important than the original purposes of our thrusting directedness. We become able to demonstrate and explain what we have done and why we have done it. We use methods and words of our own, rekindling old teachings with new life. We see that we can drive forward towards greater spiritual awareness as we master material challenges. |