Capricorn 1 - 5
In observing the effects of unrestrained personal power (1) and experiencing destruction and entropy with awareness (2), through these challenging experiences, the evolution of soul consciousness occurs (3). When group responsiveness arises to deal with a collective emergency (4), it may become expedient to use this very personal power to avoid catastrophe and accomplish a difficult outcome (5).
Capricorn 6 - 10
Attempts at management teaches the relationship between beginnings and endings (6), which inevitably brings insights into what to expect of life (7). Wisdom unfolds as we surrender into a happy acceptance of limits (8), being in tune with love, harmony and beauty (9) and radiating peaceful harmony (10).
Capricorn 11 - 15
Devotion to life is accessed and expressed very often through refining and beautifying Nature (11), and passing on the life-lessons that we have learnt (12). Resonating with enduring values (13), we are happy to make investment in the long-term (14) and caring about the future wellbeing of ourselves, our children and our environment (15).
Capricorn 16 - 20
We gain much in the competitive spirit of sports and the general enjoyment of the physical body and its power and strength (16), not least by freeing ourselves from unhealthy inhibitions (17). Competition teaches us how to cope in some way with the tyranny of unconscious people (18) and taking on, and managing, difficult challenges (19). There is also found a deep spiritual fellowship when we pull together as a team with a fortitude of commitment (20).
Capricorn 21 - 25
Much can be achieved with group cooperation (21) and yet it is the reconciliation process itself, not the outcome that has greatest importance. So we redefine the meaning of success and failure (22), and show recognition of the heroic efforts of others, even those on different paths (23). Affirming tangible community support for all spiritual seekers (24), we find a way to reconcile spiritual ideas within ordinary events and traditional culture (25).
Capricorn 26 - 30
By allowing ourselves to respond to the subtle feelings of the mysteries (26), we include retreat and pilgrimage in our lives (27), and make known our awareness of the signs and veiled metaphors that we experience (28), and indeed our spiritual interpretations of such messages, facts and opinions (29). We come to realise that true mastery involves the need for spiritual wisdom at the highest level of management of collective affairs (30).
Further Commentary on Capricorn
The height of individuation occurs taking the role of leadership when we ourselves claim central place within our group and make decisions that radically shift the direction of the collective will. It is inherent within the soul to rise to power and make a claim of some sort within some group – even if that is in the family unit as a parent. Those who do this in an expanded capacity without having found a place of love and peace will and must inevitably cause wasteful destruction and antagonism with other groups even to the level of war. Yet aggression is an aspect of furtherment, a requirement of evolving more and deeper experiences. Such power is very dangerous and leads a person towards egotism and self-aggrandisement. Yet even though the leader and many, many others pay an awful price, the group itself grows stronger. So we see that group consciousness does not obey the same laws of conscience as an individual does. ACCOMPLISHMENT
Capricorn 1 – 5 Respect is not seen here as a gentle courtesy that each affords all others equally in a gentle social scenario, it is understood on a deeper level. It is a power, and an aspect of the powerful. The weak and mild will teach that if we want it, and if we want to remain in control of our own situations, then we need to win respect of others; the strong simply demand it. It is wise to protect and defend ourselves, and the least violent use of power is to command respect. Society teaches and requires mutual respect by implementing codes, rules and laws. Moralists and lawmakers claim their authority from historical precedents, and these codes are the agency through which the better aspects of the community’s past are projected into its future. This process – respecting attitudes of the past and challenges of the future – enables various communal imperatives. We can sort out what is important from what is trivial, and we can make plans to optimise opportunity and security. Countries, for example, that do not manage this well are mostly underdeveloped and constantly at risk from aggression. |
It is the mark of a mature adult that what is started is brought to completion and that we understand the importance of beginning new things with this in mind. This behaviour is what establishes a certain quality within, let’s call it ‘the ability to respond’ or responsibility. With this quality fully developed mature adults can, and do, respond to an underlying hidden ‘rule book for life’, which is written in code and occasionally but rarely and imperfectly spoken of by certain among us when in a high state of grace. Living within the scope of these rules is like keeping our life-melody within an harmonious scale of notes, and remembering to feel love and beauty as we do so. The highest aspiration we have is to sound our own unique note all the time and in harmony with the One Note – that Buddhists call Aum, and Sufis Hu. When we do this, then all around us fear dissolves and conflict evaporates to become a distant memory. WISDOM
Capricorn 6 – 10 What some see as pessimism, even cynicism, Capricorn sees as necessity, due diligence, common sense practicality, and pragmatic down-to-earth reasonableness. The true leaders of a community are those who are able to inspire others, to nurture and offer advice, and to guide situations towards helpful conclusions. Mostly, they are professionals – managers, doctors, architects, accountants, and others. They share a particular attitude to their work and their lives – they are trained, cautious, responsible, meticulous, and most of all realistic. Typically they report to a body of governance, and carefully maintain their status as respected notables. The inner quality that gives rise to such high standards has a definite dignity of being, which requires constant self-discipline and adherence to a code. The characteristics of such people are more conservative than radical, promoting the tried and tested more than new wisdom because the penalties for mistakes are much more impressive than the rewards for innovation; they avoid the stick, rather than chase the carrot. |
At this point in humanity’s evolution we are witnessing the culmination of our terrible will to power. There is confusion in all areas, ambiguity and misunderstanding – good things done by bad people and bad things done by good people – and lies, so many lies! It takes an unusual level of commitment to dedicate one’s life to penetrate the mysteries and discover the higher truth that all is subjective and nothing lasts forever. But some things do have greater worth, they endure and carry the essential message of humanity from distant past and through our children, if we can get it right, to an unimagined, hopeful future. DEVOTION
Capricorn 11 – 15 By whatever personal standards we have set, accomplishment seems good and right – it feels like we have fulfilled an important aspect of our life purpose when we manage to overcome difficulties and enjoy the good fortune of a measure of well-deserved success. Luck actually is not random – it is attracted into the lives of those who work hard to develop skills and fulfil their plans. It isn’t simple to handle matters – for most people this world is much more of a challenge than a joyride. Different types of people have different names for the processes by which a thought is made into a thing or an event. Some call it management, some call it magick, and some call it prayer, but the process of each is the same. An attitude of focus, and usually persistence, is important, plus the expectation of reward, the ability to project imagination and knowing how to win cooperation. It is very interesting to read biographies of successful people – in any field of life from politician to comic, sportsman to disciple – the formula for attainment is universal, and it can be taught and learned. |
A true seeker undertakes many challenges; life is lived completely as an education with lessons and examinations that stretch us to the fullest extent. We must be disciplined to take regular exercise, release our repressed, neurotic emotions and place ourselves in positions of power yet resist the temptation to abuse it. Then we will be hurtled through life experiences one after another at a fast pace that would have been unimaginable earlier in life, still, we learn to cope well with all the changes and uncertainty. We find great solace when we learn to let go of the need to be recognised as important, and we find that true freedom is more deeply discovered in humility rather than prideful self-love. FORTITUDE
Capricorn 16 – 20 Learning how to balance Self with Other is the essence of life on both the material and spiritual levels. A sports team is an example that shows how the whole is greater than the sum of parts, and how to identify more with collective endeavour than personal. This same idea is found in nationhood – and promoted with jingoistic phrases, emotional manipulation and raising the flag to a level of sacredness – ‘for God and country’. Being a team player is learned very early at school, and, ideally, encouraged as much as individual excellence. We can lose ourselves, in the sense of surrendering to the moment, when we are rapt in the joy of natural forces, or with complete absorption in a project and, of course, through any experience of in-depth mysticism. Capricorn tackles this important dimension of life mainly through discipline and discipleship, and has an ability to enjoy its capacity for self-effacement – paradoxically even to the level of taking pride in it. Christmas, and therefore crucifixion, is celebrated during this month, though often with overtones of martyrdom and guilt. |
Our community has a past and a future, which gives it continuity and increasing depth as it pushes through challenges that can reward the winners with recognition and losers with greater wisdom. Also, it supports those of us unable or unwilling to participate in the main thrust of things while we reorient ourselves towards a higher dimension, one which trains us to bring spiritual consciousness to bear upon ordinary things in life. This Earth plane is a plane of abundance whose pleasures and comforts, with a healthy moderation, can be fully enjoyed. RECONCILIATION
Capricorn 21 – 25 The recognition of personal worth tends to be evaluated by most people in society’s terms, with things and awards that are hard to come by – especially by Capricorn, for which it is very important to be seen as fit for purpose; it works with grit and endurance to serve the community conscientiously. Slavish obedience to this principle would diminish joy and self-realisation, yet when carried out with full awareness, can in fact optimise the attainment of personal potential. To serve a powerful master – and society is exactly that – we have to learn to keep on our toes all the time. While we are behaving as obedient servants, it requires great awareness to hold on to our own agenda and perceptions. Carlos Castaneda speaks of the petty tyrant – and teaches that the truly committed spiritual disciple must learn how to survive within the most starkly oppressive environments. Most mystery teachings have the same idea – we take on very difficult challenges as a voluntary practice in order to put aside fears and to grow in stature. With such a perspective, and consistent fortitude, even apparent defeats are useful as lessons and there is nothing in life that can keep us down. |
We seek, and seek further, we read the signs and the explanations, we struggle to overcome worldly challenges and learn how to hear the multiplicity of inner voices, and see the beautiful interconnectedness, the patterns of energy. Eventually we find what we have been looking for – we must, simply because our attention has not wavered. We come to know that the field of reality in which all unfolds is managed by two opposing forces of dark and light and on one level, the human level, these forces are populated by realised beings on each side of the equation. MASTERY
Capricorn 26 – 30 Any strategic life course aims to optimise potential and make real whatever is imagined; a path of mastery is one that achieves this goal. There are established policies and techniques for this, together with a complex range of essential individual qualities. Generally a dissatisfied, restless disposition is more likely to keep one moving up to a place of high repute and influence. The master can convince people that what suits them personally also suits the community very well; so can ascend to a position of leadership rather easily. The fabric of society is woven by policymakers – functionaries who legislate in order to motivate group endeavour towards communal purposes; it is best if these are the ones who best demonstrate working within the rules. So, to win public support, a leader needs to be the perfect example of good order and obedience, while at the same time being free-thinking and independent. Since uncertainty breeds instability and wasted resources, it is more reliable to create a future very similar to the past; yet progression and innovation is inevitable. It is tremendously exacting to navigate a successful path between new uncertainty and old reliability, between humility and pride, and between service and command. More than any other sign, Capricorn does this well. |
Sabian Life JourneyOur life experiences may be expressed as a journey from Aries 1 to Pisces 30. It is easier to arrive at the understanding of those experiences by a process of reflection, looking backwards rather than forward though the zodiac cycle. We can use the previous degree to answer the question - how? - rather than the following one to answer - why?
CAPRICORN 30 "Accepting the need for high-level management of collective affairs "
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 29 "Interpretation of subtle spiritual messages, facts and opinions" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 28 "Awareness of signs and subtle metaphors in life" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 27 "Retreat and pilgrimage" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 26 "Allowing yourself to respond to feelings of the mysteries" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 25 "Blending spiritual ideas within ordinary events and traditional culture" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 24 "Affirming community support for spiritual seekers" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 23 "Recognition of the heroic efforts of others on different paths" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 22 "Redefying the meaning of success and failure" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 21 "Group cooperation" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 20 "Spiritual fellowship" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 19 "Taking on, and managing, difficult challenges" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 18 "Coping with the tyranny of unconscious people" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 17 "Freeing yourself from unhealthy prohibitions" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 16 "Enjoyment of the physical body and its power and strength" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 15 "Caring about our future wellbeing" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 14 "Investment in the long-term" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 13 "Resonating with enduring values" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 12 "Passing on the life-lessons that you have learnt" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 11 "Refining and beautifying Nature" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 10 "Radiating peaceful harmony" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 9 "Being in tune with love, harmony and beauty" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 8 "Happy acceptance of limits" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 7 "Insights into what to expect of life" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 6 "Learning the relationship between beginnings and endings" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 5 "Using power to avoid catastrophe" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 4 "Group responsiveness to collective emergency" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 3 "Evolution of soul consciousness through challenging experiences" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 2 "Experiencing destruction and entropy with awareness" How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from CAPRICORN 1 "Observing the effects of unrestrained personal power" |