The Sun’s Sabian Degree
This is where we usually start – straight to the deepest secret without preamble or pause! Yet one of the first things to learn about these mysteries is their subtlety. This is not prescriptive ‘cook book’ astrology. We will never be told what the deepest secret really is because we have to work it out for ourselves. This means we have to come at it slowly, repeatedly, meditatively, with the willingness to learn something totally new about our identity and personality, and therefore release our stubborn attachment to who we have always thought we were.
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun shows you not who you think you are, nor even who you really are in any limited, dull or measured way. It shows you the path you have to walk if you choose to become phenomenally awesome.
Example – the author’s Sun position is Taurus 16
My Sabian Degree, according to Jones, seemed to condemn me to a lifetime of frustration. Yet I studied it repeatedly and also looked into Rudhyar’s take on it – Creative Frustration – and saw a glimmer of hope, which started me on a new direction on my journey of self-discovery.