Sabian Symbols: A forest-fire quenched
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Aquarius 19 (18° - 19°)DEALING WITH EMERGENCIES
Most of us have to cope with a sudden and unexpected situation that we must handle well in order to avoid a destructive outcome "Dealing with emergencies" We will face crises. Before they arise we may think we could not cope, but whatever comes to us is within our capacity to handle one way or another. It is a mark of faith that we believe that this is so, and perhaps it is the faith that makes it so. Life is certain to present challenges that we must rise to, because if it does not then we cannot rise. On occasion therefore we must pull out all the stops and do whatever is needed to get back on top of things.
A forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals and sheer muscular energy
Concern |
Coping with intense problems cultivates individual gravitas and sponsors special levels of teamwork
In each of us there exists an exceptional capacity to cope – and this is called up only in an emergency because it is when metaphorically we need to quench forest fires that we emphatically commit to concern ourselves unreservedly with the task at hand. Dealing with difficulties is a normal aspect of life, yet in a lot of people this creates a sensation of fear or anxiety. A more expedient response to such situations would be to see how the personality can usefully be employed to harness skills that effectively manage the troublesome matter at hand. Certain situations call for our caring response, and it is only when we allow ourselves to feel concern in the heart that we can awaken both the clarity and the ability to respond fittingly. During the peak experiences of intense cooperation, which call for previously undiscovered self-expenditure, our greatest potentialities are awakened. Remarkably, a large number of old people look back to the years of war with fond nostalgia. Some, perhaps on a subtle unconscious level, even felt a strange sense of delight in calamity. They do not forget the fear and hardship, and yet the dominant recollection is more to do with the sense of comradeship and community, and their sense of pulling out all the stops to find heightened levels of ability, rising to the needs of the moment. What could so easily be seen as misfortune can be turned around to become a successful adventure in the development of a much broader competence in social responsibility. Dealing with problems is what matures the individual because handling precarious external circumstances has weighty impact that cultivates gravitas – and so attracts the confidence and support of others less capable. More than that, there is a deep-reaching feeling of profound relaxation after such an extraordinary event. This has a truly regenerative effect that renews vital forces, underpins optimism and trust so that a sense of certainty grows that whatever the future throws up can be dealt with satisfactorily. |