Sabian Symbols: A general accepting defeat gracefully
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
A person of high character can find the silver lining for every cloud and turn every setback into reward or opportunity "Redefying the meaning of success and failure" It is by no means the case that the greatest worth of an experience is measured by its success; what matters is how we respond on an inner level. If we can find lessons in failure then we have turned the moment to our advantage. Yet if we habituate ourselves to the need to win, then inevitably we will lose grace and wisdom; serene indifference to outcome is the highest attainment. If we want to know true freedom and contentment, then as a life principle we should strive and struggle to overcome right up to the final resolution, and then return to an inner depth of peace and detachment.
By accepting defeat gracefully, a general reveals nobility of character
Expediency |
Having loyalty to long range ends, we can transform setbacks with grace of spirit and self-discipline
The general who gracefully accepts an inevitable defeat is an emblem of expediency. Real power comes not from winning everything, but from level-headed practicality made effective through self-discipline and grace of spirit. This symbol shows of immediate opportunism; a person can develop true genius through learning from experience. The opportunity of any moment is not always clear; it can be success disguised as failure, and hidden to all but the perspicacious. Sometimes the feelings of a situation are more important than the event itself. If there is grace, people can even be won over by the enemy they have defeated. This is because grace is a highly regarded value, which facilitates sharing. An individual exalts gracefully in their destiny – win or lose – as they find their roots established in shared values accepted by their fellows as well as themselves. This is the knack in transforming setbacks into accomplishment – to get the feeling right. We need to train ourselves always to generate an underlying uncompromising loyalty to long range ends. If we lose a battle, we can come back again – but if we lose sight of why we are battling, then, whatever the outcome, we have already lost. This is not the same as an irresponsible acceptance of the worst – nor is it a total insensibility to self-inadequacy – it is about doing what works in the moment, and preparing ourselves for the eventual comeback. |
A general accepting defeat gracefully
Commentary from Richard Grey
No - self-discipline Hello - where/on what am I placing my attention? Thanks - sharing | shared values | uncompromising loyalty Goodbye - transforming setbacks into accomplishment Please - looking for/intending to find success | long-range ends Sorry - taking responsibility & looking for ways in which to remedy & improve | responding on an inner level | lessons in failure | learning from experience | sensibility to self-inadequacy Yes - accepting defeat | serene indifference | an inner depth of peace and detachment | grace | success disguised as failure This is about Yes - accepting defeat gracefully - serene indifference - while simultaneously having an attitude or approach (H) that does not lose sight of longer-term goals (P) & thinking how could I have done that better, i.e. causing less harm (S). |