Sabian Symbols: A girl's basketball team
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Putting aside competitive, individual goals we can tune into higher forces that focus on the bigger picture and collective aspirations "Putting community goals above personal ambition" Certain dimensions of consciousness are not readily accessed in an individual and require a group to focus single-pointedly in order to reach them. When the group integrates its members harmoniously and has a well-defined, specific goal the the 'group soul' can be experienced, and it is somewhat realised in each participating individual. The individual is thus raised up.
A girl's basketball team
Expression |
We reach ultimate self-representation only with the help of others
There are real and important limits on our willingness to get involved with projects and people. Basically, unless we find something of vital consequence to ourselves, it is hard to serve another’s ambitions. The image of a sports team leads us to consider that we are part of something bigger, and we need not do everything ourselves. We have friends with similar purposes and complementary skills and knowledge. Our personal limitations can be overcome with the help of members of our team. Not only is it enjoyable to engage in common effort towards a shared goal with shared rewards, it is also spiritually appropriate and intuitively valid. Also, it is how higher realities can be brought into manifestation. Spiritual teachings must often be made into physical expression through groups rather than individuals, because it requires greater diversity and strength to deal with larger issues. It is not at all comfortable constantly to consult and relate to team-mates, so one danger ever at hand is listless conformity. The wisdom to gain here is of the importance of active cooperation rather than passive acceptance in all matters of wider consequence. In order to resonate this wisdom at a higher level, we must accept the need, in response to unpredicted developments, for constant self-refinement such that true and profound specialisation may take place. Each member of Team Humanity has their own skill set, upon which others depend. We are therefore authorised to take the initiative to express our particular skills and understandings on behalf of the community. It matters not whether this or that skill is developed – and the choice is unlimited – as long as we express our true nature to the ultimate degree that we can master. Opportunities usually arise, and must be grasped in a timely way. And if they do not arise, then we simply have to learn to adapt to what is available and deepen our involvements with the expression of further attributes. |