Sabian Symbols: A large archaic volume
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Gemini 19 (18° - 19°)ARCHETYPAL WISDOM
The seeds of wisdom existed before humanity began to interpret knowledge into words and behaviour "Tuning in to archetypal wisdom" We students of the mysteries are just the latest in a long tradition of keepers of the secrets. Esoteric wisdom has been kept alive since the earliest times when original 'seed ideas' were first brought into form by a process of empirical observation, intuition and rational thought. Humanity has not been given the blueprint of its Universal Mind but had to discover it and attempt to reveal it.
The idea here is that the secrets were recorded and kept safe and available for the true seeker to uncover. Whether this record is or is not physical seems secondary - the Akasha may or may not have been represented on papyrus but it stands strong either way, and we can find a way to read some of its secrets. Rudhyar: A LARGE ARCHAIC VOLUME REVEALS A TRADITIONAL WISDOM |
A large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom
Background |
Experience and wisdom are more important than events and people
We were not dropped randomly into our lives – there is a social history into which we are absorbed, and it is the fabric of this that acts as the background for our own contribution to an unfolding tapestry. This is our heritage updated and made manifest, as it so often is in an ancient volume of stories and teachings. We are given the gift of immediate practical guidance and the chance of broader self-discovery simply because we have access to this story of our roots. It is written in the behaviour, language, customs and moral attitude of our parents, neighbours and friends. Our very understanding of the nature of reality is created from these sources and we draw nourishment, as do roots from the soil, as we reach out to take in more of our social environment. Of course, we must guard against any inclination we might have to worship tradition and its authority figures slavishly, yet whether to conform or rebel we need a place to start. The past illuminates the present, so we have much to gain from its teachings as a starting point for what follows as life evolves. By going over again what others have previously touched upon, we gain a distinctive advantage. We have no need to waste time reinventing the wheel – we are assured of greater wisdom than we could develop alone. Personal evolution not only contributes to, it depends upon social evolution. If this is particularly important to us then we will have the tendency to examine and contemplate in depth what went before. Some of the life paths we need to walk have to be cut and won through exhausting efforts – but the well-trod paths bring quicker satisfaction with an affordable expenditure of energy. Surely our first achievements are simply to re-tread familiar tracks? In effect, this is a community-building obligation, because it keeps alive our society’s main networks. We can see these as life-giving arteries, whose maintenance preserves our unique heritage; we absorb and pass on the essential features of our background by living in accordance with customs and approved ways of life. Most of what we hold precious can be taken from us in a moment when catastrophe occurs; but our experiences cannot be lost. Eventually we come to learn that experience, both personal and collective, is more important than specific events and individual people – because it is beyond any risk of loss; it is passed down and kept strong by true community, and is stored in the memories and abilities we took on during our upbringing. |