Sabian Symbols: A large aviary
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
All around us are clues and indicators, some arising as intuition; we need to train ourselves to find them by expecting them "Awareness of signs and subtle metaphors in life" For the seeker life can have a very simple directedness – overcoming struggles repeatedly and enduringly until we reach the goal, realisation. It seems unattainable and almost fanciful that we could ever actually reach the mountaintop. Yet the day comes when we do – it is inevitable if we stick at it long enough – and then the peak experience that we first had on reaching the top is replicated over and over. The peak becomes a plateau and somehow we lose the thrill of attainment; yet we find ourselves flooded with many realisations, the inner voices of Spirit. We have learned to hear clearly.
A large aviary
Community |
Management is its own fulfilment for one who makes common welfare their personal concern
A large aviary symbolises our own community, since birds have behaviours that humans also have as they unconsciously interact to form a social group. This image points to someone who has exceptional success in making all their personal concerns a matter of common welfare. Generally, in many areas of normal life, we cannot help but notice significant differentiation of interest between ourselves and others, and yet when we consider the full ramifications of what we do, we see that everything influences everything else in the community, so our apparently self-centred interests actually serve the greater good. The gift for bringing any one special and personal line of effort to the immediate services of any other lies in the understanding that, in fact, it cannot actually do otherwise. A light touch is therefore the best approach since heavy-handedness is not only inelegant, it will probably create worse outcomes. Everyday problems have their solution in our breadth of resources – we need the shoe repairer, who needs the car mechanic, who needs our childcare service…and it goes around and around without end. A wide-spread range of personal aspirations is thus encompassed in the over-all realisation by which we have organised ourselves. Of course this is not a co-incidence; it developed this way because we need it to be this way. On this social level, the administration of human potentialities has its own self-fulfilment. As we commune together, we naturally find that what one wants to give the other wants to receive, and so very little manipulation needs to occur. This facility is lost when the economic unit has no personal community – as was true in the former Soviet republics, where obscene surpluses and shortages were the norm. There is a loss of all character through sheer officiousness when a bustling local market is replaced by a political system contrived for controlling life’s basic needs. |
A large aviary
Commentary from Richard Grey
It wasn't until I read "A large aviary symbolises our own community ..." and "... everything influences everything else ..." and "... what one wants to give the other wants to receive ..." that I began to hope to understand the relationship between this symbol and its interpretation. Yet, it took a while for what I believe to be the primary message of this symbol - Sorry - to sink in. It's a version of the Golden Rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be sensitive in your selfishness. Be aware that whatever you do will necessarily affect others and consider therefore modifying what you (plan to) do. H - unconscious interaction T - gift(s) P - breadth of resources S - a light touch |