Sabian Symbols: A newly formed continent
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Taurus 19 (18°- 19°)PURE RECEPTIVITY
When the mind is open then spirit can enter "Pure receptivity that sponsors spiritual breakthrough" A mind that is free of the constriction of staunch belief and moralistic attitudes is free to be spontaneous. Then it is responsive to unconscious upwellings of inspiration creating new thoughts - out of which new realities can emerge and rise up.
A new continent rising out of the ocean
OriginalityA newly formed continent |
Changing things takes power
Raw substance emerges on earth through the interaction of unimaginable forces that can push tectonic plates into mountain ranges and form new continents. Within each individual the same potency is available; those who claim it have access to awesome creative power – the originality which brings new matter into existence. The very ground of our existence is shaped by personal experience to conform to our desires. In other words, at this intensity of passionate involvement with life at its most basic level, substance is shifted to conform to the intention of individual will. That which is substantial, and that which is not, are continually shifting and changing, one into the other. Matter and energy interchange throughout eternity, in a long, slow, endless dance without limits of expression. Through cycle upon cycle, reality is reworked into different demonstrations of form by the constant process of recreation. The human mind, when exercised by consciousness, can stimulate these foundation-level shifts in reality. Doing so is both evidence of, and the celebration of, our ability to connect with both physical and cosmic worlds. This is the exact purpose of human existence, to be the bridge between spirit and matter. Constantly re-establishThis is none other than the dramatic exposition of a profound cosmic truth – that humanity has the ability to constantly re-establish itself, and transform its complete character and circumstances, according to whatever new powers and opportunities may present themselves to whosoever is ready and willing to grasp the nettle and claim such authority.
Unlikely as it may sound, the entire face of the universe is subject to this process. It takes a mighty confidence to know and trust this, yet with such confidence, we can remodel our own reality entirely. However it is necessary to balance power with wisdom. Just because we can does not mean that we should. Our genius to exert influence has its own risks – the danger is that we could find cause for upset in everything and simply construct a life of futile turmoil trying to fix what is not broken or what cannot be changed. At a very high degree of attainment, the individual will experience this capability as the gift to establish a link into the absolute stream of life force that descends through the crown as a flow of energy and comes to rest eventually in the origination of entirely new version of substantial materiality. |