Sabian Symbols: A strong hand supplanting political hysteria
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Virgo 13 (12° - 13°)THE MAGIC OF CHARISMA
A leader who is open to the down-pouring of cosmic energies gains magnetism and the power to shape and direct his circle "Claiming our rightful influence" Those lacking the clarity and will to train the mind to know the importance of faith become confused and anxious when a crisis looms. Then, to answer collective needs, a leader is thrown up whose faith has been developed to the highest degree of self-confidence and its resultant charisma.
A powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria
Power |
Disorder takes over when affairs are not controlled with firmness and resolve
The only way to fail is to refrain from choice, because then we become victims to the transient events of what is currently unfolding according to someone else’s will. Timidity is the loss of opportunity – because in any crisis lays the chance of further self-discovery. Human personality has a certain weight of influence, which impacts upon the moment at hand, and can significantly contribute to what next occurs. Politics cannot be avoided. Whenever a group of people operate together, there will be different assessments and visions, which compete with one another to determine which will hold sway and underpin the community’s future. Leaders arise, and often they prove to be deficient, so they must be ousted. Very often, through fear of change, there comes a period of confusion and hysteria, which makes good administration impossible. A strong hand at these times is a force for the good. Powerful people need to have a consistent grasp on situations so to bring them around in order effectively to dramatise personal potentials – their own, and their supporters. With power goes responsibility, and the power-possessor must provide for the overall ordering of all the many points in historical progression. No gaps. There is always a counsel of confusion to take over when events are allowed to drift, so strength can be an asset, even when wisdom is in short supply. |