Sabian Symbols: An automobile wrecked by a train
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Cancer 5 (4° - 5°)RESPECTING KARMA
The collective will of the community has power to bring destruction to an individual out of alignment with their destiny "Anticipation of the irrefutable consequences of our imperfections" However much we honour the right of the individual to be fully self-expressive, it is always good to remember that that must be within the context of the community. Any attempt to repudiate our role as part of something bigger will put us up against our own shortcomings, and we will find we cannot escape the negative side of who we are.
At a railroad crossing, an automobile is wrecked by a train
Dispersion |
Optimism diffuses dangerous negativity
It is absolute folly to allow any course of action to continue to the point of self-cancellation, since our only true and abiding obligation is to ourselves. Circumstances unfold in their narrowing way from moment to moment. As the train inexorably approaches the car, options are becoming fewer and fewer – yet we need to remember that we always have choices, even if sometimes they are more to do with our responses and inner attitude than actions in the external world. We are warned here to become aware of any aspect of ourselves that is self-defeating in its insensitive recklessness. It is commonplace to be tempted by self-harm, yet of course our best strategy is to find another way to express our feelings of remorse and dejection. When we identify and disclose our negative feelings, then our circumstances become less narrowing and our options more wholesome. Whenever a sequence of events is set in motion there is an inherent tendency for completion. Unless acted on by some force, things continue in their given direction – very often towards destruction. If we are to avoid wreckage, then we must exercise our will against the flow of such forces in our lives. Despite the negative imagery, there is hopeful wisdom to be found. We are wise to recognise that occasionally we need serious threats if our formidable life-affirming power of creativity is to be activated, so that we can then learn how to disperse all the threatening factors in a scenario – and reorganize our experience to suit our immediate preferences. This facility is not simply a trick of perception as we manoeuvre our thoughts towards optimism; it is evident in the objective facts of our lives. There is before us here and now exact proof of the sum of all of our thoughts and choices – we have all we have because of all we’ve done before. Control is not given to us absolutely, life is bigger than that – yet we do have some small measure of it, and we can moderate the threats against us provided we keep a keen eye and a positive mind. |