Sabian Symbols: Butterfly emerging from a chrysalis
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
A seeker typically progresses in small steps but occasionally has a major shift of awareness into a new level of consciousness "Shift your spiritual level up a notch" There is much knowledge to be gained in normal life for the spiritual aspirant but it is not enough to take us the whole way. To master the circle of life, with its cycles and directed evolutionary changes, is a necessary condition but it is not sufficient. We need to undertake the further step of commitment to a path of guidance where we are shown what otherwise we could not see by ourselves. Spiritual initiation is a particular event that occurs between a guide and a disciple which involves sacredness, vows and a fundamental shift of perspective. It has a magical quality and an alchemical effect – the disciple is transformed on the inner planes and so undergoes a metamorphosis.
Butterfly emerging from a chrysalis
Emanation |
The wonder of Creation is continually being reborn
There is a voracious appetite for experience, an insatiable well of curiosity for knowledge, and a constant mental yearning to get to the bottom of things. This propels individuals to seek answers to inner questions. Mind is the cornerstone of humanity’s supremacy on earth, and we invest hugely in the intellect in order to develop and maintain our self-assurance. This is required to function with an effective certainty of purpose. What springs forth spontaneously, in response to persistent questing for knowledge, is an emanation of new ideas. Each one is like a butterfly in its ephemeral transience. Some of these ideas trickle forward and, without the force to survive, are lost; others grow like streams that become rivers feeding into the ocean of humanity’s collective conception of existence. The root of this activity is the elemental self-regeneration of mind. At a personal level and at the universal level, the mind needs to go through a process of constant renewal in order to purify itself – so that its outpourings are sparkling and clear. We have to learn and understand that somehow the degenerative aspect of mentality – to be sluggish, lazy and crystallised into hard opinion, staunch belief and unwillingness to learn – can be overcome. Pushing away from such dysfunction to affirm our faith in life’s promise, we awaken a more fluid way of creative thinking. There is then the sense of continually being reborn – to an even greater expanse of awareness that has the eagerness of emergent new life – with a thirst to take in every scrap of knowledge from all perspectives. We are all co-creating Creation in each moment. The feeling we get when we remember this – and fervently participate with it – is a blend of incomparable keenness, wonder and amazement. |