Sabian Symbols: Chickens intoxicated
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
We must open up to secret knowledge at the right time in the right way "Acting upon ill-defined feelings of potential" With all things, timing is of the essence and spiritual awakening is no exception. The two 'wings' that let us 'fly' are said to be spiritual evolution and psychological healing. Without the first we can remain dry and lack charisma no matter how emotionally mature. Yet without the second even someone with high awareness will lack balance and increasingly gain the potential to run around as confused as a headless chicken. As we gain spiritual insights it is important to assimilate them into our maturing personality.
Intoxicated chickens dizzily flap their wings trying to fly
Accentuation |
Desire for stimulation and satisfaction expresses unfilled spiritual yearnings
Chickens are not designed to drink alcohol. Similarly we should avoid elements which are essentially alien to our nature, because to do so will inevitably cause distress to the human soul. Experimentation has validity of course, it is how we learn. Yet the accentuation of various features of our personality can be achieved by other means than the imbibing of what are basically poisons. We tend to seek comfort for our inadequacies by taking things into the physical body – typically food and drugs – to quickly deal with uncomfortable feelings; yet this behaviour usually creates dependency. A better approach, though it demands a greater degree of self-mastery, is to realise that our needs for stimulation can be made useful. They are a reason for achievement rather than to produce a cancellation of potentials through substance abuse. Our capacity for self-mobilisation enables us to rise to the needs of any possible situation and our ability to project ourselves can be used to accentuate positive qualities or negative. Looking beneath the surface, we find the futility of expecting to use a physical agency to achieve what we require, which actually are non-physical results, in particular the feeling of rightness of being. To free ourselves from the bondage of external materials, we learn to reinterpret our desires for satisfaction as actually a higher yearning for peace and harmony. These qualities are better found by turning within to find how to employ the mind itself to accentuate them without anything foreign and inappropriate. |