Sabian Symbols: Council of ancestors
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
We make our claims and feel personal pride in our achievements but really we are no more than the next in a long line "Wise reconciliation of idealism and pragmatism" The interaction between the group and the individual is exemplified when the group supports the visionary initiative of a leader, who in turn is dependent upon the power available when tapping in to old cultural stories. Whatever endures, despite challenges, usually becomes stronger and can then add its strength to empower contemporary creative initiatives.
A Council of ancestors is seen implementing the efforts of a young leader
Antecedence |
Being true to our values is only possible when we have values to be true to
As individuals, we are sponsored by our relationship to the ruling body that keeps alive old traditions of our culture and heritage. A council of ancestors symbolises the principle of antecedence – what has gone before us is the fundamental aspect of who we are; it is the fundament upon which we build our personal identity. The whole of our background mobilises itself continually to serve us and to facilitate a further refinement of potentialities in the modern era. The cultural characteristics which have proved their value, and hence have their continual re-embodiment in the hearts and minds of one generation after another, create an immortal dependence within each individual born. We simply could not be what we are without what our ancestors were. The self ultimately must fulfil itself, and is destined to be a challenge to the world at large. Yet the capacity to establish our uniqueness of being requires the strength of clear and solid roots, which we inherit socially from those who went before. It is good to remember this – and appreciate that the path we walk is well trod. Whilst avoiding sterile conservatism, it is highly beneficial to show some deference to the track-makers. They were pioneers, not settlers, and they found ways to innovate and discover many of the aspects of our treasured lives that we now need, and could not imagine doing without. This is as much to do with ideas as things. The enduring reality which anyone creates is the overall ideal we accept for ourselves. These ideals define us more than possessions do and they have evolved over a great deal of time. The mystery of this degree is how to develop power through absolute self-integrity. Authenticity and dependability are truly respected qualities that win the trust and support of our fellows – which brings influence and responsibility. Yet being true to our values is only possible when we have values to be true to. |
Council of ancestors
Commentary from Richard Grey
No - being true to our values | old traditions of our culture and heritage | antecedence | identity | authenticity | self-assertive | self-fulfilled Hello - the modern era Thanks - having values to be true to Goodbye - completion | moving on (freedom) based on the past Please - group supports the visionary initiative of a leader (cooperation) | contemporary creative initiatives Sorry - refinement of potentialities Yes - naïve state Although this image, especially Rudhyar's version, appears to be about please and cooperation (P), I think it's primarily about Goodbye - building (acting) upon what went before. One could argue it's about tradition (N) - where one has come from & the question who am I? But this is partly determined by what each individual decides to take on board from his/her tradition and act upon (G). |