Sabian Symbols: Heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
There is a limit to the level of exchange between people within a network before the penalties of heavy traffic are encountered "Find your way to negotiate when overcrowding brings limitation" The complexity of social interaction that creates a culture depends upon the exchange of goods and services, ideas and knowledge; this goes hand in glove with complex movement patterns, which are the traffic of these exchanges. This traffic is a network that carries innumerable resources and journeys in a confusing, potentially tangled web. The tangles can become very frustrating and therefore potentially dangerous at times, so we learn the need to conduct our communications and exchanges with some care.
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Heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus linking two seashore resorts
Convergence |
There is an elegant convergence of interests between all appropriate participants in any event
The restrictions imposed by physical existence inevitably force us to squeeze ourselves into a tight space sometimes – as cars do when passing through a bottleneck. Both the individual and the community are therefore required to develop a high level of discipline to cope with this particular expression of the hard reality of life. This is clearly dramatised in everyday affairs, as vast populations rush about, having to accommodate everyone else, and come to terms with the need for imposed and self-accepted constraints. Ultimately, however, there are no restrictions on how we relate. Through the intensity of convergence of interests and aspirations, we come to connect with whoever we need to in order to express our desires, values and qualities. Each of us has their particular ways and special skills in organising the great complexity of our own unique set of interactions – so that we make the best use of our time and resources. We see the myriad patterns of transient enterprise in our own unique way – and by recognising the order within the patterns, we can manage our lives to best advantage. Nothing can occur that we cannot influence and shape. It is so very important to know that. Some people choose not to see how to fit what they want with what is around. This is folly; it is poor strategy – their stubborn blindness is degenerate. What works for the individual, works for the community and vice versa. It must be so for the convenience and encouragement of self-development and the establishment of a well-integrated society. There is an elegant convergence of interests between all appropriate participants in any event. |