Sabian Symbols: Man in the midst of brightening influences
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
When we surrender our need to be special then we can feel the supportive presence of a community that is always all around us "Dawning awareness that we are part of the greater Light" We are none of us alone, we are part of greater whole. We can see this in family, tribe, community , nation and species - or even at the levels of cosmic resonance to higher degrees of consciousness. The more profoundly we embrace this the deeper becomes our faith in ourselves and life generally. Without faith life is a fearful process; yet with it all is well.
A man becoming aware of spiritual forces surrounding and assisting him
Responsiveness |
Life is a pilgrimage from darkness to light guaranteeing enduring rewards to the faithful
Man in the midst of brightening influences is a symbol of our responsiveness to an inner sense of hope. We should avoid wishful thinking when it is unadorned by accurate reflection on the facts of the matter, and absent of the will to achieve, because it leads to stultification of the self. Yet confidence in the certainty of a good outcome, peace after the storm, is a valid spiritual principle. To raise this impulse to its highest level at which it is useful, we simply have to accept the positive evidence that, beneath all the sham, the world at large has an underlying deep-seated friendliness. This engenders, even in the cautious soul, a sense that the world itself is a nurturing and encouraging place in which to act out our ideas and fancies. It can be counted on; trust will be rewarded with success. The pilgrimage, from darkness to light, requires us to press forward with unflagging courage, safe in the knowledge that the journey itself is its own reward – yet also aware that detachment from outcomes is actually what ensures a successful result. When taken seriously on its own terms, life guarantees enduring rewards. Wishy-washy won’t work, and really we wouldn’t want it anyway because we get so much more from a life that fittingly rewards courage and clarity. Our intuitively derived principles of justice require that brave, clear-minded individuals are suitably valued. With this cosmic law operating, we see that our moods and potentialities are fairly and accurately reflected by the particulars and atmosphere of our circumstances. This is a deeply satisfying improvement on the alternative – something-for-nothing – and it is the ground upon which is built spiritual integrity. Since all are subject to the same ruthlessly applied natural laws, what develops in the responsive soul – who sees all suffering as heartrending yet fair – is the deepest level of compassionate wisdom and a feeling of spiritual fellowship with all beings. |