Sabian Symbols: Steps up to a lawn blooming with clover
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Taurus 3 (2°- 3°)DETERMINED EFFORT
The path of a humble aspirant towards self-fulfilment after seeing the light "Determined effort to find the way" Each of us is both passive and active as an agency by which spiritual energies interact with materiality; our life journey is impactful upon all that we touch, and this is reciprocal. We struggle towards fulfilling all that is within our nature by exerting ourselves with a humble yet trusting determination.
Natural steps lead to a lawn of clover in bloom
Hopefulness |
We need to be both optimistic and adaptable
Self-realisation is the outcome of both spontaneity and restraint – and we see, in the image of wild clover in a manicured lawn, an easy juxtaposition of both, each enhancing the magnetism of the other. The steps up speak to us of our hope of attainment. Who we are is a matter of choice – specifically the series of innumerable selections that we have made since birth. In this image we are reminded that it is especially meaningful if we choose our lives to be aligned both with our sense of good order and our appreciation of wild natural beauty. Most helpful, and possibly the ultimate wisdom, is the attainment, as an everyday condition, of the state of optimism. The danger with this is to fall prey to silly idealism, and practice a self-indulgent disregard of practical considerations and irresponsible beliefs in the glamour of the fantastic. Yet, with such a certain, optimistic attitude to life, every facet of our experience can be seen to have its own charm and logic. Since we constantly expect and fully appreciate good things, then good things are attracted to us; the fruits of life are ours for the taking. Both of these attitudes are powerful and important – expectation and appreciation – because by force of mysterious magnetism together they attract whatever we truly desire. HopefulnessHopefulness is a force of Nature, and has its own special atmospheric quality. In some way it is a happy marriage between expectation and trust. It holds the twin conditions of desire for something particular, and acceptance that apparent failure is only ever temporary, and will always lead toward greater success.
Though subtle and sensitive, human spirit strengthened by hope is beyond measure, and indomitable. Mostly we live our lives out in a series of ordinary experiences until something extraordinary is attracted into our situations. Hopefulness is the spiritual practice of attracting more of what we want and less of what we don’t want. People who hope for health and happiness are already en route to health and happiness, where the anxious, fearful ones are pulling towards them the fruits of their pessimism. What is suggested with this imagery is nothing less than the possibility intuitively to grasp a sense of the operating principles of cosmic reality. There is interplay between freedom and form, giving out and getting back, ambition and acquiescence. This indicates that the core lesson for life on earth is that we need to be both optimistic and adaptable. |