Sabian Symbols: A broken bottle and spilled perfume
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Scorpio 2 (1° - 2°)NOSTALGIA
The pull of the past is underlined by poignant emotions of what has passed away and is therefore no longer alive except as a memory "Sharing nostalgic memories binds us into community" An almost universal tendency is to conjure up sentimental feelings of the past in moments of nostalgia. In order for us to step forward towards new horizons, necessarily we must surrender our attachments to something we have loved. Yet its perfume lingers on – the sweetest memories outlast any bitter tastes – and we might notice the poignancy that we can only fully appreciate what we have had once it’s gone.
A delicate bottle of perfume lies broken, releasing its fragrance
Permeation |
Each moment we experience is a creative outpouring of self
The image of a broken bottle is similar to a chrysalis, being burst open. To some this might appear as tragedy – yet we need to remember the bigger picture. We have within us something more precious that can only permeate into the world when we crack open our container. Every person has a mark of divine determination to be significant at all costs. This irrevocability of self-expression is so fixed that the more esoteric spiritual traditions are based on the near-impossible task of ego surrender as the greatest of all challenges. In any and every experience, the completeness of self flows out, and the ramifications of that will spread further and further into our world. Each event and interaction is therefore a creative outpouring of selfhood, utterly faithful in its legitimate rendering of who and what we are. This is most clearly demonstrated during crises, and other times of real issue. Then what is shown is our power of influence – how we impact upon others in a more permanent way. Like a rose, our most beautiful quality is our fragrance – the subtle influence that spreads out universally, no matter what we say or do. When we live with a supreme dedication to this higher, spiritual, aspect of ourselves, then we optimise the beauty and the power of our influence. It may seem that breaking the container of our lives – for example by surrendering control – will threaten our security. Yet this is a false and fearful interpretation. Nothing as hard and inflexible as a fixed ego will endure; it must crack one day. It’s better to face up to that certainty and deal with the consequences, consciously in our own time. Otherwise, like spilled perfume, we waste our lives in a witless dissipation of every resource and potential, always at risk and never fulfilled. |
A broken bottle and spilled perfume
Commentary from Rochelle Beaty
This symbol speaks to me of transformation. A metamorphosis of self breaking free of old beliefs and structures. The soul being released of it's container, it's essence expands into the atmosphere and is reborn and transformed as a new way of being. It’s fragrance becomes one with the atmosphere. Death and rebirth. The alchemy of transformation. |