Sabian Symbols: A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Sagittarius 21 (20° - 21°)WALKING IN THE SHOES OF A MASTER
By copying the behaviour and ideas of an awakened being we are likelier to awaken ourselves "Receiving guidance from a true master" It may challenge or even offend the ego to learn that another person is further advanced in knowledge than we are. And typically the less aware person is not aware of the difference, but the more aware person is – because unconsciousness is unconscious of unconsciousness whilst consciousness is conscious of consciousness. To be stubborn about this, or prideful, is seriously counterproductive. If we want to progress we must emulate someone who is ahead of us on the path and copy their way of doing things. “Fake it ‘til you make it” is a working principle.
A child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses
Examination |
All is illusion and meaning is subjective, so we must examine everything without prejudice
This is a very strange image. Are the child, the dog and the glasses in some way an accurate representation of an event that has occurred or could occur – where the dog has greater intelligence? Or is it an eloquent metaphor that speaks in one dimension of another, offering clues to help us discern meaning? We humans have the ability of analysis; we can ponder on patterns, relationships and meanings. We are tasked to examine all and everything, without favour, because it is this facility of the human mind which can liberate us from the enslavement of pre-conception. We may eventually come to the accurate realisations that meaning is subjective, a personally-invented device to please that part of the mind that needs to trust in some cosmic order. We need the structure of the material world to give form to nuances of our inner world. This serves an emotional functionality, because we would lack mental stability if we could not ground our fantasies. Also, in order to penetrate the mysteries of personal identity, we need to give careful enquiry to that very personal aspect of reality that we fantasize about. The neediness is what creates prejudice. We pre-judge, and project our needs upon the outer world in the form of blind expectancy. This allows us to exclude hard fact, and see nothing but what we expect or hope to see. The typical conversation between any two people is structured around the certainty that the physical world is the only reality. Yet this is false and many of us know it is – yet we continue to live within the perpetually reaffirmed illusion of its validity. It is a worthwhile exercise from time to time to stop. Then look around at what we are experiencing. Sometimes the strangeness of life is really quite startling. There is plenty of evidence of the non-ordinariness of our everyday lives, but few are willing to notice. Human spirit is unimpeachably universal – there are no absolute lines of demarcation between higher or lower life forms or varying stages of competency in each. We cannot assume the child has more awareness than the dog – because, although this is extremely likely, it must be subject to examination. |