Sabian Symbols: A large well-kept public park
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Taurus 25 (24°- 25°)WORKING COLLECTIVELY
Belonging to a tribe or community involves us in working together toward shared goals that we all enjoy "Participation in community responsibilities" A community in harmony will act together to create communal works that allow individuals to enjoy greater levels of abundance and comfort. It is a strong motivation to seek ways to live in peace and put aside fear, competition and aggressiveness.
A vast public park
RecreationA large well-kept public park |
Communal experiences help us to discover our individual skills and characteristics
In order to create and maintain resources on a community level, there needs to be a body corporate, like a council, whose mandate is to put collective issues above the personal in importance. There is no need to surrender our uniqueness of personality and accept imposed communal judgements about what is good and true – that would tend to trivialise our lives. However we surely can see how there is great merit in the devotion of time and effort to assist the practical welfare of people collectively – for example in keeping a park. Then we can all use resources that are only feasible for a community to afford, so each member has a higher degree of self-enjoyment as a direct result of this spirit of collective collaboration. The economic and practical benefits are obvious, yet there is more at stake here. Potentially there is a transformative personal gain for each person who takes on a special role in such a project. The division of labour will never be equal, and this could well become an area of conflict that needs skilful handling and a high degree of integrity. Positions of public importance, from council secretary to president of the country, very often attract enmity. Common experiences of humanityThe essential point made here is the emphasis on common experiences of humanity as the setting for an individual to discover their own special skills and characteristics, with particular focus on recreation as an appropriate application of available resources.
In isolation, we could never fulfil our wants and needs – we need interactivity with others to provide the grit that stimulates the development of a very wide range of personal attributes. Recreation is an aspect of collaborative activity that can offer sufficient grit without a very high risk of serious conflict. It is further implied that self-discovery and self-realisation come about as incidental fruit of such interactions. It is generally more productive to approach such work rather playfully as a recreation and without any specific intention of self-improvement. Often we later realise that we have gained hidden benefits, and these inevitably include an aspect of our personal evolutionary process. |