Sabian Symbols: A crowd on a beach
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Libra 21 (20° - 21°)SINKING INTO THE MYSTERY
Though we strain and struggle to establish our self-importance and ego gratification, it's lovely to just let go into the Infinite Mystery "Surrendering self-importance" The busyness of the world and much of the intended outcomes of Society's rules and practices take us far away from our origins. Way back before time we have ancestral influences from sea creatures, when living beings had little or no sense of individuality but tuned into their species and the general Mother principle. It is important for us occasionally to refresh the deepest memories of this primordial aspect of self - then we are nothing more than a mere grain of sand in the general population, whose obscure purpose is to bring form to something mysterious from which we come.
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A Sunday crowd enjoying the beach
Exhilaration |
Being friendly and open, enjoying the simple life, is not stressful
Sometimes people tend to overthink. Certainly, analysis has its place, but really we have a lot to gain just by noticing where we are and what we’re doing. The raw elements of experience – I am hot, I am wet, I am hungry, I am on a beach, there is sand in my hair – are good places to start when we want to become more self-aware. It’s much the same with social questions – instead of trying to understand what this person or that person stands for or believes, we can simply be friendly, and express ourselves freely. This will encourage others to express themselves more fully too. Then everyone on the beach is a friend. This expectation of the simple enjoyment of company can be very exhilarating and actually life-enhancing. Friendships create a network of harmony, helpfulness and enjoyment. Also, beyond a reasonable degree of self-restraint and sensitivity to another’s need for space, we find that a free-and-easy openness of expression is helpful in keeping our levels of emotional stress to a minimum. It’s not so helpful to expect others to provide entertainment and company for us – we are better bringing something of ourselves to the table as a way both to show cooperation and to energise involvement. The more of this we give, the more dependable and richly rewarding becomes our social life. That said, there are some beach-goers who are very loud and coarse. That kind of behaviour doesn’t serve the community well, where self-expression clouds sensitivity to others’ needs. Still, with the right attitude of mind we tend not to be too bothered by these types – we can join them in their fun, ask them to quiet down, or we can simply just move on. Why make it an issue? Also, it is worth asking ourselves sometimes if we are the coarse ones! |