Sabian Symbols: The purging of the priesthood
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Pisces 25 (24°- 25°)ROOTING OUT CORRUPTION
However sincere an initial impulse was, there will always be corrupting influences; sometimes it is best to restart and refresh "Rid yourself of negative thought" A multitude of minor and major ego-adjustments add up to a life of interactions with family and associates. Yet these processes are not fully sufficient to deal with core issues of our shadow nature. To take us to another level of awareness, wherein we can see ourselves for what we are and let go of the deepest imperfection of being, we need to experience purification.
Very often this is ‘by fire’ – in other words catharsis. We live in a very dark and terrible age and we have to release ourselves from the expectation that that darkness will engulf us. There is hope for the courageous, determined, passionate aspirant – with these qualities we can be free of the corruption that has blinded us from soul consciousness. Rudhyar: A RELIGIOUS ORGANISATION SUCCEEDS IN OVERCOMING THE CORRUPTING INFLUENCE OF PERVERTED PRACTICES AND MATERIALISED IDEALS |
Reformation |
We project our disappointments in the manner we treat our priests
In history, the Reformation was a way to purge the priesthood, and is symbolic of the intuitive revolt we all feel against a meaningless, superficial exaltation of human nature, through inadequate or false religious practices. Blind bigotry and vindictiveness became the norm at a certain period in the development of religion – and shows something of the challenges humanity faces when we attempt to place responsibility upon another person for our own spiritual aspect. Of course, we need a method to reach an understanding of what values and behaviours we choose to raise up as ideals. This requires that certain individuals, generically called priests, sometimes stand out and speak for us all in some ritualised, sacred way, and generally establish the public face of our collective ideals. There is danger for them however. This is because we simply will not accept that the elected custodians of our highest invisible treasures will themselves fall short of these ideals. We demand the absolute integrity for our spiritual leaders so that our immortal insights are secured. We will never tolerate even the slightest depreciation of any of our spiritual potentials, particularly when embodied in our priests and given voice in their words. Whoever may fail to prove their worth, as guide and mentor, will find they are subject to quite a severe judgement, which gives rise to whatever penalties that await them for their indiscretions. This harsh approach is an intuitive safety measure, felt but rarely consciously understood within society, of the need to guard against the problem of own collective regression. We forever try to dramatise the dissatisfaction we feel with ourselves – for failing to live up to the potentials we recognise but cannot quite manage to apply – and we project this disappointment in the manner we treat our priests. |