Sabian Symbols: A crystal gazer
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Awakening the non-grasping, all-seeing, subtle aspect of mind "Sensitive, visionary concentration of attention" Being able to see the whole picture, the mature psychic can interpret scenes and scenarios in the holistic context. This perspective is not given to one lost in narcissistic self-love and obsessed with self-projection.
A Crystal Gazer
AcutenessA Crystal Gazer |
Perception of what is shapes what is to be
A person who gazes into a crystal ball is attempting to access an aspect of the mind that needs to be stimulated by non-rational techniques. Often called right-brain intelligence, this half of the mind’s understanding is found through soft surrender to intuition and developed by committed meditation. Through the marrying of this with rational thought, we are able to perceive with much greater acuteness the linkage between what is imagined and what comes to pass. We actually have the capacity to bring to mind an entire universe, to grasp its operating principles, and to learn of the tools by which to manipulate it. Personal experienceRather surprisingly, we find it to be entirely subjective. The bigger, cosmic picture, though indeed accessible, is only accessible through personal experience, with all the uniqueness, prejudice and ambiguity that that entails. We see that our perception of who we are, with all its convoluted oddities, is none other than a perfectly authentic, graphic representation of our slant on outer reality.
We come truly to understand that what we imagine is the map of what we will come to experience. Fiery imagination and watery intuition married together offer unique and mysterious glimpses of what is to come. From nothing more than these glimpses, we are willing to modify the set of our journey and bend towards the dark temptation of the unknown. There is a hint of the hero’s quest beginning to emerge. Hero is not pioneer nor leader. To realise his potential he needs to resolve the paradox of how one can be simultaneously thesis and antithesis of society. The hero is thrown up from within the community at a time of crisis in order to rework the principles of the group consciousness into a new form. The crisis has arisen because the old ways are no longer being interpreted meaningfully for the evolved times. Danger is at hand and the hero is ready and willing to act upon the omens that speak of permanent radical change. Interestingly, this so often occurs in stories when the hero consults the oracle, typically a crystal-gazing woman. A cosmic interactive partnershipThe world and the individual are thus in a cosmic interactive partnership, each in time reflecting the other in every mood and every situation. So this allows a rough indication of what is to come, since what we feel now must somehow be reflected in the future. With care, this facility can be used to shape our attitudes and strategies in organising outcomes to suit our personal convenience.
We are aware that, taken beyond a helpful level, such ability inclines us towards idle curiosity. Why seek information about the future if we have not the willingness to shape it? Gazing upon it will shape it, that is cosmic law, so are we clear enough, energetic enough, to deal with the effects and consequences of that? |