Sabian Symbols: A gigantic tent
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Pisces 18 (17°- 18°)PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC
We are subject to the pressure and support of our community, which sometimes focuses its attention on us alone "Be entertainer, teacher and priest" Alone we may well be satisfied with our own ideas and creative outpourings but if we want to attract a following we will need to put on some kind of public display, which is typically entertaining or spiritual, and could be a circus or religious group for example – the kind that is suggested by a marquee. We cannot expect our message to gain validation and popularity, or even much attention, unless we are willing, and capable enough, to focus outwardly with the intention of self-exposition.
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In a gigantic tent, villagers witness a spectacular performance
Apportionment |
A conductor is needed to bring the orchestra into alignment
This is an image of the ability to assign the most effective resources to organise a specific outcome. Divergent capabilities are apportioned to meet the needs of complex situations by one with an exemplary knack at organisation – of their own attributes or others’. Whenever we engage with others, we inevitably participate in a sharing of not only skills but risks, as we together serve a common cause. It takes a person with a steadiness of perception to get an overall sense of the whole picture, without which no unification of effort can be achieved. Nothing of value is created without some degree of harmonisation, and a conductor is needed to bring the orchestra into alignment. It is in moments of true excitement that the totality of life is brought to a single centre. The focus of all attention, of all the senses, is achieved in such rare moments of absolute intensity of being. Such moments are gateways – vortices. The intensity, which offers such immediate, momentary entertainment, also thrusts us into the future with more vibrancy and a great deal more directedness, which can underwrite a richer path of life. Somehow we feel more inclined to put the world in order and have better insights about how to be better able to do so. Taken too far, such confidence and over-enthusiasm can seem bombastic, and fuelled by delusions of grandeur. Yet with the naivety that we associate with performers in a circus big top, such a show of skill and risk is nothing more than a healthy and entertaining demonstration of our highest aspirations. |