Sabian Symbols: Men cutting through ice
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Sagittarius 20 (19° - 20°)GOOD HUSBANDRY
We must put away some surpluses in times of plenty in order to cope with times of scarcity "Right living as a spiritual principle" Knowing there are hard times ahead sometimes we must do work now to guard against later neediness. A farmer will burn the midnight oils to harvest in September so that his food supply carries him through the winter. Equally by anticipating the future we can invest effort today so that we limit danger and discomfort tomorrow. This might be applied widely, it is just as appropriate for a young adult to continue their education as it is for a housewife to be thrifty with her food stock.
In an old-fashioned northern village men cut the ice of a frozen pond for use during the summer
Procurement |
Fruit doesn’t jump into our mouths – we need to do work to harvest Nature’s abundance
Observing men working in the cold, on a difficult task, we might focus on the hardness of life, its difficulties, and the mighty task of surviving Nature’s cruel indifference. Yet such pessimism is a poor choice of how to focus the mind, and shows lack of perspective. The more helpful attitude of mind is one where we interpret everything we encounter as fully in service both to ourselves and to the community. Nature is what it is, and affords us unlimited opportunity for self-expression and self-discovery. Whether we choose the hard or soft version is a matter of personal preference. In this example, men take on a hard task in order to procure the fruits of that task. It is typical that we have to overcome obstacles in order to fulfil our wants and needs. The deeper benefit comes from the overcoming – in other words the process rather than the product. It is very unlikely that we could establish the essence of who we are without receiving recognition for our talents and knowledge. Such recognition comes from the community only when we struggle to overcome, and find our way to capitalize upon opportunity. This success is achieved according to our ability to organize Nature. All around us is a superabundance of natural resources. Yet the fruit doesn’t jump into our mouths – we need to do work to release the bounty. Failure to grasp this principle leads to wasted effort and disappointment. |