Sabian Symbols: A sight-seeing bus
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Scorpio 1 (0° - 1°)CURIOSITY
Possibly the defining characteristic of our species, curiosity is what makes us expansive and therefore inventive and pioneering "We move away from our beloved past motivated by curiosity for greater experience" We humans are never content to accept the status quo, we have an inbuilt appetite for expanding our range and depth of experience and a curiosity for new information and feelings. This is the driving force that motivates us to travel and see what achievements others have to show, perhaps in the form of creative works, technology, or simply lifestyle. It is fundamentally tied in with our urge towards self-realisation.
A crowded sightseeing bus on a city street
Friendliness |
Spirit is limitless in its ability to find and profit from new perspectives
At every juncture, life presents two fundamental choices – one path is authentic, the other on some level is false. We can be freed from all artificial experiences by exercising care of choice and clarity of identity. Such behaviour ensures we do not lose the self either in wasteful expenditures or lost opportunity. There may be boundaries within which we operate, yet these do not diminish our range of experience; they simply focus it. Spirit is limitless in its ability to find, exchange, and profit from new perspectives with others. Friendliness can lead to friendship, empathy and sympathy. Sight-seeing, which often leads to an expansion of perception through culture shock, leads to awakenings. Going sight-seeing together with a friend therefore is a good way to deepen our understandings. As we are carried along the meandering journey of our lives, opportunities come and go quite quickly – and to seize the moment requires more than just intelligence. Yes, if a balanced judgement is to be achieved, there has to be a significant degree of detachment – yet we also need to sponsor passionate enthusiasm to strike out fast and certain. The combination of a clear mind, and an open, ardent heart, creates a strong approach towards exploration – and consequential gifts of richness and variation. Further, this combination enables us to respond sensitively to developments, in order to recover from difficulties and distractions. This is achieved by re-ordering how we see the present moment, in order to gain insights into what future possibilities are available. Life then becomes a constant source of engaging scenarios to which we can relate thoroughly – both in innocence and in considered strength. |
A sight-seeing bus
Commentary from Richard Grey
No - urge towards self-realisation Hello - curiosity | expansive | new information | new perspectives Thanks - new feelings Goodbye - pioneering Please - inventive Sorry - responding sensitively to developments Yes - engaging scenarios Commentary from Rochelle Beaty This symbol speaks of two environments, the bus and the place where the bus is travelling through. Being on the inside and being on the outside. Inside the bus allows one to become an observer of a macrocosm verses being outside allows one to observe the microcosm of the environment within the bus. But one must be awake to take notice. Whether one is travelling through a new environment or a familiar one, there is a sense of new discovery and taking in the environment with all of one’s senses and viewing it from different lenses. Noting the similarities and differences of all the inhabitants observed. Feeling the new beautiful energies and absorbing them into one’s own being. I also see this as visitors from other galaxies perhaps being observed by a few while observing earth and its inhabitants. Time travellers. |