Sabian Symbols: A triangle with wings
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Reaching up towards a new dimension of being "Finding the skills, loyalties and values to rise to higher levels of consciousness" Having awareness of the essential mystery of life, that we are facets of Universal Consciousness, Unity experiencing Duality, we find a zealous appetite and innocent longing to know Unity again; so we develop a taste for a transcendent state of being. We see that our complete life journey will be directed so that eventually we can go back to where we came from and then reside in such an elevated state.
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A triangle with wings
ZealA triangle with wings |
Through processes of development and refinement, our impulses lead us towards self-realisation
Three aspects of individuality are encountered and refined in our interaction with situations and environments. These are our skills, loyalties and values; through these we make ourselves known to our selves. Each of us develops their own set of values and these become known through what we stand for and what we study. Skills unfold as we employ an inner quality of personal creativity; loyalties extend out from family to embrace friends and compatriots; values are what give life meaning, and point to our spiritual aspect. Together they ground our spirituality within the community context. Just like a triangle, which is particularly well balanced, these three aspects firmly support us in our aspirations. Yet they are no less to be seen as wings that enable a zealous enthusiast to soar to heights of self-realisation. In the journey of self-discovery, it is of key importance to appreciate the special worth of our impulses. As life throws up its adventures and challenges, we will know who we are through the purity of these original impulses and our essential nature will hold us in good stead if we trust them, whatever occurs. They are of course essentially shaped by values, loyalties and skills. Life is necessarily a transformative sequence of events that examines the inner nature of a person through endless experiences. There are many aspects of the inner nature of our personality and desires, and they offer real evidence of the deepest enduring vision we hold of ourselves – that image of the future that tends to become reality. This image is inevitably based upon the three qualities, and the zeal we experience as we pursue our vision is a measure of our commitment to them. The Goal of LifeThe goal of life is to determine what finally we hold to be good and true. Do we assert light over darkness? And for us – what is light?
The basic self goes through unending tests of worth, the higher self unending examinations of conscience – and through these processes, refinement is assured. It is worth noting that these three motivating forces are inter-connected, and tend to develop together in a steady, evolutionary, progression – rather than shocking revolutionary shifts. Without such a progressive approach we are left with nothing more than the dismissal of every ordinary experience as inconvenient, even pointless, except the extent to which it offers pleasure and promotes in us a blissful state of obliviousness to the truth of who we are and what we are doing. |
Commentary from Richard Grey
No - Duality | our impulses | self-realisation | skills | what we stand for | our essential nature Hello - reaching (up) | having awareness | interaction with situations and environments | what we study Thanks - loyalties and values | community Goodbye - through development | adventures and challenges | life - a transformative sequence of events Please - personal creativity | our aspirations | zeal Sorry - refinement | unending tests Yes - a new and transcendent dimension/state of being | Universal Consciousness | Unity | going back to where we came from I can see how this points toward Yes. However, is it not the three aspects (skills, loyalties and values - the triangle) that this degree is encouraging us to examine within ourselves? i.e. what skills do we have (or want to develop), where do our loyalties lie, and what are our values? So, for me, this is No. |