Sabian Symbols: A topsy saucily asserting herself
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Habits of behaviour and thought are heavy burdens that must be cast off if we want to journey into new realms "Casting off the slave mentality" Despite the apparent freedom of choice offered by new opportunities, we certainly find ourselves caught up in patterns that limit our personal expression. These are residual thought-forms, both personal and cultural, that tend to make us do and think what we have become habituated to do and think. To be truly free we must liberate ourselves from these ghosts of the past.
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A negro girl fights for her independence in the city.
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Freedom is expressed in a unique and self-assertive character that rebels against tyranny
It is inherent within us that we are inclined to take personal advantage of any and every experience we meet in life. In this image, a slave girl is trying the patience of her mistress. She has very little power, almost none, and yet she does what she can – what matters here is the spirit of challenge to tyranny. Healthy individuals have a commitment to the certainty of growth; we expect and demand that our life circumstances generally improve. Any oppressive attempts to restrict this completely will so often lead towards some kind of rebelliousness. The deeper understanding within this metaphor is that we are all slaves to the comfortable attachments we have. Even if they are chosen by us, and thoroughly enjoyed, yet still they enslave us. To break free and experience our birth-right of spiritual growth is a risky business; we risk losing what we enjoy, even what we treasure. Yet the sauciness is the voice of spirit, which insists that comforts are secondary treasures, of no real account, because the primary one is freedom; incomparable in importance. If we are not to surrender to the level of total capitulation, then there are times when we must speak out, whatever the personal risk. Even home, family and career are to be seen as inappropriate comforts if the price we must pay for them is the enslavement of spirit. Certainly there is to be struck a balance between the compulsion to fly away to freedom, and reasonable constraints placed by the moral boundaries and legislation upon which society is founded. Yet when we are pushed down to an extreme measure, we will often experience an almost spiritual degree of impudence that shows we still have a unique and self-assertive character, which cannot be completely tamed. |