Sabian Symbols: Three mounds of knowledge
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Libra 30 (29° - 30°)WISDOM OF KNOWLEDGE
We can see wisdom as both truth and love, which requires a deep understanding of human nature and the context of life circumstances "Using knowledge as a platform to develop wisdom" Knowledge is not wisdom; it is of course a necessary aspect but without understanding it can be dry or even dangerous. A full and complete wisdom must involve experience and embodiment, a sense of the human implications of a theoretical concept and an acknowledgement of the interconnectedness of all things. The philosopher who has nothing to offer but logic is never likely to reach the truth of any situation or idea.
Three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head
Prescience |
Seeing the future requires an accurate appraisal of the past
The philosopher metaphor points to our human faculty for analytical thinking, and the three mounds of knowledge can be seen as our skills, allegiances and ideals. These are the aspects of mind that formulate our perceptions, and upon them we build our structures of reality. What may be, and what must be, are different qualities of the future and, at least to some extent, each is somewhat knowable. We develop an exceptional gift to further our designs when we learn how to extrapolate patterns from the past to gain knowledge of what is probably coming. This ability, called prescience, is quite normal – and applied routinely by those who hold on to a balanced way of life, where instinct and thought are together used cooperatively. We would be wrong to believe that philosophers have small regard for intuition – however, as disciplined thinkers they confirm their feelings with rational thought. The challenge we all have is to progress to an optimal expression of being, the perfection of self. In this state, we can read the flow of our lives and we come to see how there is a dynamic integrity – a reliable code that informs all that unfolds. It is an aspect of a universal code, the cosmic order, which interpenetrates us and everything else, forever. Everything we are, and all that we experience, is a part of this unfolding complex vibration. We gain insight into its secrets only when we study what has gone before with impeccable, unattached clarity of mind. Understanding this can bring with it a seductive sense of self-assurance, even superiority – so we must be on the lookout for signs of silly intellectual pride. It is rather an ugly condition of so many scientists and philosophers that they remain self-obsessed despite their awakening to the reality that knowledge is infinite and therefore, finally, unknowable. Humility seems a more appropriate response, given how little we know of what there is to know. For some reason people generally make the claim that their understanding of this code is as valid as anyone else’s – even though they lack the diligence and intellect needed to penetrate this, the biggest mystery of all. Low-level scientists, politicians and religionists make their claims and govern the world, yet so often fall short of the appropriate skills, allegiances and ideals to be worthy of this duty. Since everything is only and always an expression of the universal, eternal code, nothing is ever fundamentally wrong. Wars and famine, disease and injustice all have their correct place in the order – yet it takes a truly wise and exceptionally mature person to fathom why it must be so. |