Sabian Symbols: A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing South
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Cancer 24 (23° - 24°)HARMONISATION
Harmonious relationships occur only when we reconcile intellectual, emotional and spiritual realities within ourselves "Harmonious blending of all aspects of self" The emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of personality need to be held in harmonious accord if there is to be sustainable, balanced joy throughout life. In each moment a new reality is emerging, and for us to create the best outcome we have to bring these forces of our being into blended interdependent relationship, then in turn our relationships with people will blend into harmony.
A woman and two men castaways on a small island of the south seas
Inception |
We are the creative source of our situations, rather than subject to them
The key idea here is inception – we have to be the source of our situations, rather than subject to them. This requires us to train the mind to know how to resolve ambiguity without allowing ourselves to become slaves to the false freedom of over-abundance. Enough is a feast; too much overwhelms us. Having two men, the woman has neither, not both – showing how any inability to make decisions keeps us from the truth of who we are and what our purpose is. This image points to the need for us to take steps to further our involvements. Sunbathing is temporarily an appropriate indulgence of ineffectiveness – time out – and yet if it becomes prolonged, it gives us a very strange sense of reality. A balance must be struck – between allocating attention towards our deeper purposes, and dealing with immediate, but transient, needs and pleasures. Even on a day-to-day basis, we are presented with impactful options, and we have to bring our sincere values to bear in all we do, however seemingly trivial. Our basis of life – the very basics of being who we are – depends upon the allegiances we form, and our series of decisions. If we behave reliably and consistently according to our value system, then we will deepen our involvements and strengthen the character. Inevitably this is helped if we have a greater plan – a large scale overall goal for our lives. This brings all and everything into one cohesive pattern, which enables us to resolve every issue of choice more easily. It may appear that we constrain ourselves unduly when we choose always to conform to the big plan in all the little things – but this is a false reading. There are simply too many choices to make and, without criteria, we become overwhelmed, and actually inept. We have to discipline ourselves, away from the ultimately unfulfilling ‘see, want, have’ mentality. |