Sabian Symbols: An unsuccessful bomb explosion
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Trying to change things hurriedly and without due process will always fail "Sincere, if naïve, steps towards self-perfection" The urge we all feel to cast off the yoke of social pressure and claim our freedom is potentially a very subtle and profound spiritual state of consciousness. Yet when it is expressed in a distorted way as petulant rebelliousness, both spiritual authority and social approval is missing. It must fail, it should fail and it does fail.
An unexploded bomb reveals an unsuccessful social protest
ImpetuousnessAn unsuccessful bomb explosion |
When energy is allowed to flow freely, the outcome is ultimately always good
We all have destructive urges at times and these can sometimes seem to be as evil as an anarchist’s bomb. Yet they are not evil. These urges are rendered dark and unwholesome because they generate frustration when they are denied and judged inherently wrong. Yet even the destructive forces of forest fires, tempests and volcanoes have an invigorating – life-giving – dimension when seen from a wider time perspective. These forces are entirely necessary to re-balance things. A person can find how to achieve a dynamic balance between two opposing motivations. One is to serve society at a high level of responsibility, the other to be absolutely free to follow their own destiny. The inner intuitive knowledge of how best to act in support of one of these – and not the other – is often entirely unreasoned; it is no more than a feeling of impetuousness . The heart remains open when we allow the flow of innocent impetuousness to sponsor our words and actions. This has special worth because the strong and open heart absorbs and nullifies the destructive acts of humanity, making unsuccessful any attempts to do harm. When energy flows freely, the outcome is ultimately always good. In the battle of dark against light, light is always the winner in the end; goodness eventually overcomes all else. It may be that this is less than self-evident, yet it is self-evident that we are always better off to affirm optimism, even to make it our moral code. Nature is dangerousThe truth is that Nature is dangerous, even human nature. The civilising processes are relatively recent innovations and are far from fully embodied in the species. So, however liberating and creative these spontaneous impulses may be, they cause distress in others who feel the need to be more controlled and ‘civilised’. Often enough, danger arises when the fears of such people are not sufficiently respected, then they rise to the surface, embodied as unconscious, fearful behaviour.
When pure impetuousness is distorted into petulance and vanity, nothing useful is created. Futile expenditure of energy and wasting of resources is its outcome. The feeling itself is valid, yet any feeling can easily become distorted when it is embodied into self-serving behaviour; we always have to guard against these distortions. Even so, forgiveness also has its place in the deeper mind of society, and most often these naive outbursts are not severely punished even if they result in apparently anti-social behaviour. If we trust in this, then life becomes a lot more relaxed. |