Sabian Symbols: Dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Cancer 25 (24° - 25°)ENACTING THE SOUL'S PURPOSE
When we align worldly aims with the soul's essence-vibration, we feel as though we have been blessed by divine dispensation "Feeling the occasional rush of spiritual empowerment" True success is an endowment. It may feel as though one is blessed by higher forces to carry out special cosmic purposes but in truth the 'benefactor' of this endowment is our higher self - which is accessed whenever all sides of personality are mastered and brought into harmony. The inevitable outcome of this process is that we become influential over those who have imbalances, so we are then able and inclined to guide those around us towards the realisation of a higher purpose.
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A will-full man is overshadowed by a descent of superior power
Destiny |
We have to claim a commanding influence in order to grasp a situation and pull it around
The mantle of leadership is not given to many, and these few often feel a sense of destiny. The realisation occurs that we have the capacity for command – at exactly the moment when circumstances unfold that require us to come forward. On the inner level, we have to come to terms with the need to claim influence and perfect talents in order to grasp the situation and pull it around. We will be thwarted in the proper expression and development of our true potentiality unless we find the strength to resist the imposition of those who would try to tame us. In fact, it is best for all concerned if we allow our width and depth of possibility to spread out, which then we can place in service to the general community. Whatever could be needs to be expressively released in order to become what is. We may well discover a specific talent that is vital to the general welfare. Self-gratification and social integration through appropriate involvement have to be in alignment if we are to optimise our feelings of well-being and belonging. Selfishness doesn’t lead to happiness, yet neither does reluctant self-sacrifice. The temptation to become presumptuous is strong, and we need to observe honestly any inclinations we might have to bend towards the dark shadow of megalomania. This would diminish our effectiveness and defeat our spiritual purpose. However, we are compelled, by our very existence, to step up and become who we are destined to be. This is not only for our personal rewards; it is actually the obligation of each person to participate irrevocably and fully in the reality of life around us. In outer terms, we are revealing a willingness to accept stewardship of our group’s progressive ambitions and accommodate all the myriad individual viewpoints that make up the social complex. If it is our fate to lead, then there is very little that could thwart us – except perhaps our own silly self-deprecation or fear of the inevitable pressure that comes as par for the course. |