Sabian Symbols: Boys and girls in gymnasium suits
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Capricorn 16 (15° - 16°)COMPETITIVE INTERACTION
The grit of competition stirs us to greater achievement "Enjoyment of the physical body and its power and strength" On the surface level this image holds no great mystery, it is simply a reminder that we need to include physical exercise in our lives to remain healthy of mind, body and spirit. Beneath this simple wisdom is a more subtle question – what have we allowed to become so important that we do not readily incline towards proper amounts of exercise? Intellectual pursuits fascinate us, yet emotional stress develops if not frequently released with a good long walk and it is better to get into the habit early in life and try to keep it going right up to the end.
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School grounds filled with boys and girls in gymnasium suits
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Individuals and society both gain evolutionary benefits from animated mutual interaction
Our experience of ourselves is significantly modified by interaction with the people and circumstances around us. If we look at the example of competitive sports, we see others making their best efforts to rise up through overcoming obstacles – by being totally animated to meet their challenges. So, by observing them, we can learn a lot about how to realise our own greater potential. When any group of individuals comes together, it amounts to the formation of a kind of society, whose purpose is to rise to common challenges. Typically, we are required to adopt some conventions in order to belong to the group – wearing gym suits for example. Conventionality therefore is a measure of our willingness to abide by social constructs, which we do because we think we will gain personal advantage. There is always some pressure to conform, and our adherence to terms may feel like a self-betrayal because of the loss of individuality. It is a question of balance: on the one hand is the urge authentically to express and develop our unique selves, and on the other, our need to serve and participate harmoniously in society. Conformity arising out of fear of authority is ill-founded and false. Self-perception of powerlessness requires us to look again in the depths of our being and awaken the confidence to overcome any pressure that attempts to deny us self-expression. However, it is completely natural to gain experience and skill under supervision, and any joint projects that favour our required outcome are supported because they help us to develop our general competence in life. Also natural is a disciplined sense of responsibility, which embraces the ethic of serving oneself in alignment with the common good. The response we receive from our social group is therefore felt to be useful, realistic feedback, whether presented as punishment or reward. In adapting through this process of socialisation, we learn acceptance and tolerance. This is how our personal ideals are animated, constantly revisited and updated – and reflects society's newly-discovered potential for dramatizing a set of principles higher than previous generations were able to demonstrate. |
Boys and girls in gymnasium suits
Commentary from Richard Grey
N - boys and girls in gym suits H - interaction with other people | adopting conventions (in order to belong) T - balance G - exercise | rising to common challenges | dramatising principles P - interaction with other people | competitive sports | serve and participate S - feedback Y - acceptance and tolerance I think this depends upon who the competition is, whether or not it is known to us, and whether each boy and girl is competing only against him or herself or as part of a team - none of which we are told here. If competing only against self, this would be Goodbye (previous best (N) already being known). If competing as part of a team (N), this would be Hello (communion) or Please (cooperation). I'm agreeing with Goodbye - the decision to change or build upon a previous state. |