Sabian Symbols: Cross lying on the rocks
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
It takes a special kind of person to go against the collective will and ethos in order to be true to themselves "Stand firmly according to your principles at whatever cost" At the extreme end of the spectrum of ‘compromise or irritate’ many of us may stand firm in our self-determined position of authenticity; and yet if we do we will undergo some type of crucifixion. Society does not tolerate any extremely rebellious activity, so one is often attacked who refuses self-betrayal through excessive compromise. Nonetheless this very process accelerates the rebel’s personal evolution.
Illumined by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea mist
Conscience |
Conscience reveals the intuitive aspect of faith
A cross lying on the rocks is a reference to the widespread common denial of spirituality in the modern era. According to reports, it was not always so – in previous times, humanity kept alive more of a sense of their higher aspect than has come to be the case in the age of Scientific Materialism. This shows something of the utter timidity of self-interest that some people have sunk to. For those who have faith, it is self-evident that to lose it is to lose ourselves – and this is what has happened in recent history. The force of untruth in commerce and politics has reached unparalleled levels, which is having a profoundly destructive effect upon the human psyche – even to the point where many cannot even access their intuitive side of consciousness, wherein faith is found. In order to enjoy good health on the psychological side, we need to be active in the cause of every standard or allegiance through which life is made worthwhile to us. This must surely feature our spiritual side – how could it not? How can we ignore something of such paramount consequence? There is an advantage to be found in this sad story – that we are forcefully challenged to find a rugged independence of inner spirit and the courageous rejection of all compromise. It requires powerful faith to overcome general cynicism, so our faith becomes powerful. We must listen to the insistent stirring of an inner voice, which seeks to quicken the soul to remember the overriding necessities of its existence in physical form. To lose knowledge of this quiet voice is immeasurably poignant. To be clear of conscience, it sometimes becomes appropriate to undertake the withdrawal from life in one aspect as means for re-grasping it in another. If the forces of the material world are often overwhelming, then we must step back. In this way, and perhaps no other, we can turn within, and we will find the more subtle side of our being – the inner self. It is wholly unnecessary to accept the world as it is. To do so, as is entirely commonplace today, is a repudiation or neglect of our individual higher ideals. This level of capitulation is to be avoided at all cost – nothing is more important than to express our ideals in material life. If we allow conscience to lose its pristine condition, or worse, lose track of it completely, then we drift upon oceans of dark confusion as lost and vulnerable as a small sailboat at sea without its rudder. |
Cross lying on the rocks
Commentary from Rochelle Beaty
Losing one's faith and feeling betrayed by structured beliefs systems (the cross) and awakening to God immanent. The Omnipresence and of the spirit within. I feel that this symbol is very Neptunian in nature, of going through the process of disillusionment and finding the higher nature of not what we are supposed to see, but what we are meant to see. The veil of sea mist shrouds our consciousness. However, the shaft of light brings renewed hope and clarity to what was once buried within. A spiritual awakening. I also see that in this symbol death and rebirth. Pluto being the esoteric ruler of Pisces, brings these energies to this symbol. |