Sabian Symbols: Contentment and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Becoming an influential member of society requires awareness of current trends of ideas and beliefs "Power, responsibility and impermanence of social position" Society is consolidated by the laws, moral codes and intellectual trends of the time, and these are shaped during gatherings at which the more influential members of the community socialise. To be a part of this set one must conform to its standards of behaviour and belief.
Guests are reading in the library of a luxurious home
Repose |
Relaxation is an important aspect of life
It is folly to try to maintain a constant force of self-projection by overdoing things so much that we strain beyond our strength. Self-regulation is advised. The image of luxury, and the keyword Repose, give the clear message that it is important to see relaxation as a valid component of our life-management strategy. Soft living, when taken to inappropriate levels, leads to loss of reality. Idleness and self-indulgence are not often helpful qualities; we know this. Yet as long as it is practised in moderation, it actually sustains our aspirations to practise repose as an aspect of self-optimisation. In fact, we can only achieve the capitalisation of personal potential when effort is properly balanced with relaxation. It is obvious, when we consider the eternal cycle of struggle and surrender, that neither idleness nor constant effort is sustainable alone. When we find ourselves experiencing a lessening of personal responsibility, or more frequent displays of ineptitude, then we have a clue that it may be better to relax a while and regroup, marshalling our resources and energising. Such a phase can be best seen as a prelude to a renewed effort, and through that, towards an even greater expansion of self. |