Sabian Symbols: The garden of the Tuileries
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Gemini 3 (2°- 3°)CRYSTALLISATION
Bringing to bear the rational mind to explain the mysteries solidifies experience into a foundation of knowledge "Understanding hierarchy and privilege" Even though we can touch the depths of unconsciousness and heights of super-consciousness by temporarily suspending the mind's devotion to reason this cannot last indefinitely. Sooner or later the grasping mind must structure its perceptions, and create patterns to explain them. This is form, thought-form, and it gives rise to rulership and rituals as it centralises the ego into the discipline of clarity.
The garden of the Tuileries in Paris
Luxury |
Authority is given to those who can achieve
Parisians met, promenaded, celebrated and relaxed in this luxurious garden of the Renaissance period. They were seen as selfish, lording it over others. In England, so much of the national architectural heritage was kept alive by aristocrats and fabulously wealthy families, very often at the expense of the underprivileged. There is here an unpopular wisdom – certain types of people create, maintain and enjoy wealth and other types serve them. It may seem to some that we are constrained by accident of birth to suffer lack of opportunity. Yet this interpretation of reality never promotes happiness. It is for each of us to bring our own capabilities and possibilities to a graceful, exquisite level of self-expression within our own world. Happiness does not relate to wealth – it arises out of making the best of what we have, and most assuredly is not given automatically to the rich. In general, at all levels of society, people expect to enjoy the results of their work and their faithful commitment to what they value. We develop social position and wealth in the context of our community by demonstrating an appetite for preserving and caring for that which we have – whether in a palace or a mean cottage. It is this that brings us the fullest degree of satisfaction in life. This is made evident by the universal practice of rewarding achievement with tokens of social approval. We may perhaps say ‘well done’ to someone who tried really hard – but the prize still goes to the winner. Authority is a prerequisite for the smooth operation of any community, and it is given to those who can achieve. Thus it closely relates to self-confidence and the outer evidence of that – in material tokens and rewards of ability. The exaltation of success in material benefits may well be criticised by the have-nots, yet it is an enduring practice throughout humanity’s history – and is even studied in the animal kingdom. A male showing off its energy-expensive rich and colourful qualities demonstrates to a potential mate his capacity to provide for her offspring. Besides, in a community there must be a stable system of values and rewards, otherwise an individual would never, and could never, aspire towards optimal self-enhancement. |