Sabian Symbols: Girl blowing a bugle
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Times are changing fast and those of us who can see this are able to announce it to those who cannot "Herald your knowledge, proclaim it" Despite appearances, the rebel often serves the needs of the community far more than the sheep. Groups are inclined to degenerate quickly from their first position of being a springboard or vehicle for new initiatives, and they are subject to entropy and sclerosis without the vibrant innovative input that the rebel can offer. Always there is something new on its way, always a group must adapt to that, and always there is the first intuitive people to sense the coming changes. They blow their bugles even though few will want to listen to the herald-sound of the future.
Girl blowing a bugle
Summons |
Are we invited to emergent joy or commanded to unwelcome constraint?
People form groups with regimented structures and clear unimpeachable lines of command that define what are, and what are not, acceptable expressions of self. This serves the group purpose well, but does not promote the expansion of individuality; in fact we have to be careful not to take on the very attitude of collective authority and become officious ourselves. The bugle summons us – is this invitation or command? We are perhaps more likely to respond willingly to a girl’s summons, which seems less compelling. Of course, it is understood that we must connect with others, and that such involvement will inevitably evolve terms of reference for the exchanges that occur – both socially and impersonally – and there will be rules, or at least guidelines, by which to interact. Included within this process of forming community is the need for each person to find their place and define their values and preferences within their special role. Some blow the bugles, others are summoned. It is inevitable and healthy that there is friction inherent within this process of community evolution. Everyone will challenge; everyone will be challenged – and this conflict is as good and useful as is the grit that oysters are said to need to produce their most beautiful expression. Without it, we would become sluggish and live a degenerate life. We have to stay alert if we live constantly surrounded by imposed discipline – in particular we need to be awake to opportunities for us to grow, and express who we are. This alertness is a supportive quality. Our very participation within the group begets social responsibility. We are required to discharge our community duties to the accepted level. Any sense we may have of not doing so registers as an uneasy conscience, even if we cleverly escape the imposition of discipline and justice. Although the lower self may not find it too disturbing to cheat the system, the soul always wants to do the right thing. There is a dynamic balance to all things, so too within the relationship between self and community. If we are forced to squeeze ourselves into a soul-destroying regime, then the powerful urge towards self-expression will eventually dominate. There is a continual cycle to be embraced – the swing between freedom and involvement. Without some involvement in community and its constraints, life lacks stability and even meaning; whereas with too much constraint, we feel no emergent joy. |